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Last online about 5 years ago
Jul 14, 16 at 9:57pm
http://i.imgur.com/LJ2PgG7.gif Best trick ever.
Jul 14, 16 at 9:47pm
I am not vanilla!!! https://forum-static.hummingbird.me/372931435f66eaf890c39b5e72941f0c54299af56f6b6.gif
Hello Waifu! http://orig07.deviantart.net/4cc5/f/2014/242/9/3/waving_anime_girl_gif_by_aidenxodayzs-d7xbn3f.gif Thank you for the delicious cake! I enjoyed it thoroughly. I've never had someone so thoughtful in my life to do so. http://data.whicdn.com/images/50622766/large.gif You really are a wonderful senpai and I couldn't ask for a better one. So let's share in this treat. https://media.giphy.com/media/6GgWVtG83mb5u/giphy.gif You must know that I love you as well and that was very thoughtful of you. However, I know you only did it to try and distract me. You know I won't have the upper hand taken from me so easily. Besides, you wanted to see that side of me anyways so don't think I'll go easy on you. ^_~ http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/10042008/1/4/b/4/14b4af0dc033a0_full.jpg Also, can we have it like this next time? http://media.indiedb.com/images/groups/1/1/84/9328_-_1girl_animated_blush_cake_sakurasou_no_pet_no_kanojo_strawberry.gif Oops... took it too far again...
Daggera @daggera You are right, I did intend this to be a diversion to your punishment but I also realized I did ask for this all along and I do love you more each day. I know you open up to me and are willing to do anything, you have no idea what that means to me, it is worth more than any weight of gold or any treasure.
Daggera @daggera I will make you a real cake when we meet!
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02 You're too kind to me.
Daggera @daggera #<.<# I am not.
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Jul 14, 16 at 1:58pm
I know right http://s9.favim.com/orig/131208/sunset-Favim.com-1128292.jpg http://favim.com/media/uploads/images/orig/140220/sunset-Favim.com-1391112.jpg http://s6.favim.com/orig/140823/sunset-Favim.com-2017556.jpg Sunset partey
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Jul 14, 16 at 1:45pm
I'm fine just finished watching sunsets.....ahhhh I luv em so much......here's one of em http://s11.favim.com/orig/160701/sunsets-Favim.com-4477461.jpeg
Remmy~ @inigo left a comment for Daggera
Jul 14, 16 at 1:43pm
Thank you for accepting
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Jul 14, 16 at 1:36pm
Hello.....hope all's well
No! Just cant make use of proper gifs at work. You love to pick fights when I'm stuck at work and on my phone. Totally taking advantage T_T
Jul 13, 16 at 1:35pm
I am not vanilla.... and I want ice cream now... so not fair... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bHw8FobIXNU/VdKubKZD-FI/AAAAAAAACfc/0iMJaA7Eo7A/s640/ice%2Bcream.gif
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 I want Oreo icecream :(
Daggera @daggera That sounds good or Reeses Buttercup, or Chocolate or Coffee.... >.<
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 Omg we are so alike! I love those flavours. I like mint chocolate chip also :)
You talk such a big game. Be this confident on Skype later. The MO community is lucky they get to see this tough outer exterior. I however know that it's just an act. A very. Vanilla. Act. http://s2.narvii.com/image/uqaj6wjftupd6u6b3djlclmcbhhyw3dx_hq.jpg http://schwans.web.products.s3.amazonaws.com/51257.jpg