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Last online about 5 years ago
Jun 19, 16 at 5:07pm
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbek8vMtRq1qapu8qo1_500.gif When you make drinking from a bottle look sexy. ^_~
Jun 19, 16 at 5:02pm
It has been confirmed! You don't have to be blonde to be a ditz. https://38.media.tumblr.com/48012820dce9f527f1c84d6aa0e76347/tumblr_n9ltu7DLPC1slv5gyo3_500.gif "Why is this train not working?"
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Jun 19, 16 at 11:09am
Yeah....it's been far too long for my good health. I hope to see it this summer once I get some free days. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DTr29ek2qfE/maxresdefault.jpg
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Jun 18, 16 at 8:32pm
Awwww *warmly hugs* An onee-san has been acquired! http://67.media.tumblr.com/8804448d4d21db64dd0be11541899def/tumblr_mqatganB7J1rktwn6o1_500.gif
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Jun 18, 16 at 6:21pm
Would ya mind being my big sis? I dunno, you just seem like somebody I'd really like to keep around despite not knowing you that much. :3 http://static.zerochan.net/Kaenbyou.Rin.full.152404.jpg
https://66.media.tumblr.com/745127816c2fe21ac7688698d6002a16/tumblr_o0ylt3COfv1uvfremo1_500.gif Either I'm running a fever. Or my nose is going to bleed soon. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln3ozrusib1qlwcbao1_400.gif
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Jun 18, 16 at 2:05pm
That's why if I care enough, I sometimes throw people into deep water and back them into the corner, so they have no other choice but to act. Then they always get surprised at what they can really do and it gives them confidence. Haha and thanks, I'm glad that my senseless blabbering and lame sense of humor made somebody's day. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/719867629121466368/B2RdjYgG.jpg I recommend reading Wake Up Deadman btw, unless you've already done so. It's from the same author as A Fairytale for the Demon Lord, and I like it even more than the latter at some parts.
Daggera @daggera You seem like a really great friend, looking out for their best interest. Usually, everything you post makes my day, so thank you, for being you. ^^ I haven't heard of that one but I will defiantly have to give it a read, thank you!
‎‎ @saberwing Nah....sometimes I seriously feel like a douche tbh, since I do tend to be kind of harsh with people most of the time. But thanks, you're legit making me blush like a tomato right now. I barely deserve something like that. >_<
Daggera @daggera I think you should give yourself more credit and stop being so hard on yourself, you seem to really enjoy watching people succeed and even though it might have been harsh your intentions were good and they were able to grow and see their potential. It is usually in hardship that we learn the best lessons of all.
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Jun 18, 16 at 8:45am
Awwww sorry, I didn't mean to induce an onion effect. But yeah, I see way too many people on daily basis thinking they fail at life just because they don't have enough experience, knowledge etc. Then they just throw in the towel and settle for something they will never be happy with. I would dare to consider myself to be quite a good judge of people and what are they capable of, and I really feel like tearing my hair out seeing all that talent and dreams go to waste. Especially if those people happen to be the ones I care about. >_&lt; http://ci.memecdn.com/968/1316968.gif Oh and *points down* that's some kick-ass writing there. ^^ And is that picture a page from A Fairytale for the Demon Lord? I legit thought I was the only one here who knows about it. O_o OMG *high five*
Daggera @daggera It is really sad to see people settle for less then what they can achieve but I think people need to find out just what they are made of or they might never be inspired to become more. I always enjoy your rants even the ones that you were just being silly so don't be afraid to keep speaking your mind especially to those people you care about, so don't give up. ^^ Thanks. #>_<# It was just a little something I wrote last minute before bed. Yes! I love A Fairytale for the Demon Lord, and the art work is just so remarkable.
Jun 18, 16 at 3:04am
http://31.media.tumblr.com/cdcb693a126c4bc2b8a8982d360c27e5/tumblr_mxlvwsZ8mS1qbvovho1_500.gif Better get some shut eye, sleep well.