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Last online about 5 years ago
I never make things easy lol. I'd be inclined to say that you are in fact correct. It's not taking you long at all. https://media.giphy.com/media/6XiCFv2Y9Grsc/giphy.gif
Me? Cute? Never. Aw do you need some help with that fever? I would never want to secure my victory when my opponent is not feeling well. I have some decency lol. http://pa1.narvii.com/5866/aedbe631daeb35313c5bde973ff36a06d116c016_hq.gif
Oh my, did I actually get you to blush now? Naw, I would never kill you with kindness (maybe I would) but that doesn't mean it isn't true. http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md1b96o2Aw1qktqch.gif
Aerone @aerone left a comment for Daggera
Jun 09, 16 at 11:15pm
Yessss? http://i.imgur.com/Oy0opez.gif
Of course my mistake lol. if that were the case I'd think it was nice that two people could come a consensus on a subject and that it was good they felt the same about something. Too bad that isn't the case huh? I appreciate that though, I think that's very nice of you to say and that the feeling is mutual. http://vomzi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/87-anime-happy-gif-787.gif
Maybe but I don't like to compare usually. As far as I'm concerned what ever I've dealt with, someone has dealt with worse. That's how I view it at least. But you're not wrong, I'm usually fairly guarded and reserved. And I'm sure you have different perspectives than I do that would enlighten me as well. Oh are you finally accepting that there might, even by a slight chance, be some common ground? I never thought the day would come ^_^ https://67.media.tumblr.com/cb01af241271b704141b482cd29077a7/tumblr_nv8g2k1WUJ1s2kirpo1_500.gif
It's a habit I guess but that makes you a better person than me. I find i hard to automatically assume that so I guess that makes me more cynical but I feel the same on the rest. Usually you can tell from the get go whether or not it's somebody you want to talk to and I generally keep things to myself as well. I suppose we'll just have to see but hopefully I can rise to the challenge. Maybe I didn't need a hint but it's nice to know what you're perspective is. Also, good choice of gif, I've never seen one of my favorite backgrounds as a gif before. Only bummer is you can barely see the girl with the flash of the sun but it's still nice. I definitely approve lol. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uzaZBRnAA5s/maxresdefault.jpg
Jun 09, 16 at 9:40pm
Mmmm I reread your last post, it seems you didn't need that hint after all but maybe it gave a clearer idea of my thought processes. http://33.media.tumblr.com/5a4e2b11285763fe735a91cb66d8baa2/tumblr_neshny2Rzg1spp74bo1_500.gifs.
No I know what you meant, it's just as a guy I feel it's almost obligatory to state that. I'm beginning to think maybe you understand what they are better than I do. I'm sure in time you'll figure out what they are though I don't have much doubt about that. Curiosity is never a bad thing and I'm starting to pick up your word meanings or rather, I know they're there, I just need to figure out how to decipher them correct? A work of art... I'm not sure I've heard a situation like that referenced as so. I'm not opposed to the idea of it though. http://33.media.tumblr.com/1fc189e829636a6b40edbfe36ffe98b5/tumblr_noq4hjyxM61uwpy1yo1_500.gif
Keeping the mystery going, I like that. That's usually my procedure as well. You're very right, we're obviously both guarded (can I say that's something we have in common?) You're right though, it wouldn't be very much fun if that were the case. Luckily for you, mystery and vagueness are what I excel at. So in that sense it might take you some time when it comes to trying to piece everything together. There are those assumptions again, maybe I do. What's the disadvantage of learning about it? Ah but this is where you may actually be incorrect. Hidden motives aren't something I usual possess or if they are hidden, they stay hidden. On top of that they're never sadistic in any way so that's not an issue that will really present itself. But I can't blame you for asking. http://pa1.narvii.com/5816/d8dbc1d744d5b394dc11b2c80fc265a2090a6ffd_hq.gif