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Last online about 5 years ago
Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 3:32pm
Across the Ocean and over the mountains, in a land of fire and brim-stone, Guarded by a Demon which sole is as black as Space time, Naaaaaayyyyyyyyy! I Shall find it and Ride in on my Horse and slay the beast one day! But first i have to get off my ass../
punhero @punhero left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 3:27pm
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Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 3:22pm
Yes, I have... This Coffee makes everything better, Like waking up to the smell of a forest after a rainstorm, It is more than just a Coffee... It's my sole-purpose of life. there is no-where else than i'd rather be than gently holding it within my hand and just admiring it's beauty with every sip that i take. Although sadly... That Cup is Far away..never to reach the embrace of my lips.
punhero @punhero left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 3:03pm
This account has been suspended.
Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 3:02pm
I don't know... I'm confusing. I never had my Coffee that charges my mind and body up today.
Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 2:41pm
You better stop! or i-i-ll... i'll call Xynox to beat you up! But maybe after a drink or two. *smacks lips* No! ... ... I hate you already... -.-
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1f0dc241e5a4e31b7e073cbd55ea850b28e75e0b4e2f53a898070c3c2b6d453.gif sleep and eat my hand as much as you want you are looking kawaii today senpai ^_^
Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 2:21pm
http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.31349443.2783/fc,220x200,white.jpg *mouth waters* No! i cant! i made a promise that's been Soaked in pixel tears and regrets! I must resist!
Uninterested. @coffeelink left a comment for Daggera
Mar 12, 16 at 2:10pm
Don't tempt me with the Sweet smell of Sweet Colombian Bean Extract, I'm trying to go clean. *Tweaks*
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-6vnDJ8RJ744/VoLPfiWPscI/AAAAAAAABSs/W2GHVoT0ga0/w400-h225/Face%2Bpoke.gif *pinches your cheek* stop thinking im nice baka