Aerone @aerone
left a comment for
El Choppo
Aerone @aerone
I don't really play it much. I just get on for my first win and then I log off.

Aerone @aerone
left a comment for
El Choppo
Aerone @aerone
League of Legends.

Aerone @aerone
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El Choppo
Aerone @aerone
3AM for me. I'm just playing some games.

♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82 Go to sleep you^_^

Nessu @nestlepanic
left a comment for
El Choppo
Nessu @nestlepanic
Hey, congratulations on the lucky find! I'm decent, although, I've been regretting my action on procrastinating yesterday. All my neglected homework, that I had all of July to do for my last summer course, is due tomorrow, so I've been rushing to get all of that done since this morning. But by the looks of it, I'm almost done, just a few more hours left.
I hope your day treated you well.

Nessu @nestlepanic
left a comment for
El Choppo
Nessu @nestlepanic
That sounds like a good day to me. Alas, my compliment still stands, you still have good taste in anime, in my opinion. You also have some titles on there that seem a bit interesting as well, I might have to check a few of them out.
It sucks that your PC died, hopefully it is on the fix smoothly though.
Hm, here is my list if you'd like to take a look. http://myanimelist.net/animelist/CaptainSeki

Nessu @nestlepanic
left a comment for
El Choppo
Nessu @nestlepanic
Hello, thanks for the add. I wouldn't mind taking a look at your anilist. By what you have up so far, it looks like you have a good taste in anime as well.
Anywho, I'm not really up to anything today, just procrastinating on some things and being lazy. How are you?

cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
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El Choppo
cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
Sailor Moon is my favorite anime since it was such a big part in my childhood.

cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
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El Choppo
cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
Most of the time I draw anime

cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
left a comment for
El Choppo
cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
Oh, I see.

cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
left a comment for
El Choppo
cinnamoncake @cinnamoncake
I've just been eating and drawing, pretty much the usual for me.
Aug 16-18
Jul 18-20
Jul 31-Aug 2
Sep 2-4