Bax @bax
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Bax @bax
Good deal, kid - feel free to share away in the future, cause I'm all about it :)
No, I definitely have not, but after peeking at the overview per your question - it certainly seems bizarre, which I could see leading to the laughs!

brandish @brandish
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brandish @brandish
I dont have anybody to talk to about it so idk that feeling
unless the drama is getting boring then I start skipping just to get to the end :')

Bax @bax
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Bax @bax
You're right on that, too true! Thank you for sharing your ideas for first tracks; I will definitely be checking out more from those artists. 'Whatever You Do' was awesome, and 'Woo Ah' - ugh. Favorite so far. Love Dean's vibes, as well - 'July' was where it was at, for me. And the girl he collaborated with, their voices mesh SO well, it's almost criminal, lol!
I'll have to add those to the list to check out in the future, then - if Kobayashi is stress-relieving, then most likely it'll be what I'll check into first xD

brandish @brandish
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brandish @brandish
Yes I heard about it too but didnt watch it :o

brandish @brandish
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brandish @brandish
Oh I'll add that to my to watch list then :O
I watched 12 men in a year thats the last one I finished I'm currently watching King of High school *_* so glad I'm not having second lead syndrome for this one :')

Bax @bax
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Bax @bax
Ahhhh. Yes, indeed, I do!
I'm still fairly new as it seems I keep coming across more and more groups, but I was initially introduced by a past snail-mail pen-pal of mine from Japan, believe it or not! She's had me hooked on BTS, like...I have a feeling I'm not that far away from reaching trash status, but I'm trying to hold out as long as I can xD
Best believe, I'm gonna be checking those artists out now - any personal song recommendations? You know, Dean and Crush sound really familiar...do they do a lot of features with other artists? I've also taken a liking to a lot of Epik High's work. What are some of the newer anime you've been checking out, if you don't mind me asking?
Thank you for the warm welcome, I appreciate it :D

brandish @brandish
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brandish @brandish
Hi :) what kdramas did you watch recently that you liked? :o

kaiita @kaiita
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kaiita @kaiita
Fresh prince of saiyans!

bakatako @bakatako So fresh, its over 9000 xP

tasha @tasha
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tasha @tasha

bakatako @bakatako Heya Tasha :]