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Last online almost 11 years ago
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0 left a comment for anime_22
Jan 13, 13 at 5:04am
Not a chance I don't have time to make Cosplay anymore. Maybe next year it all depends. I have a big to do list and my job keeps me busy. Too bad you can't come this time around. I joined this group on meetup.com Anime Con Goers there's an app for it. We are meeting Thursday for it at a bar and grill. There's also someone from the site that might come to it with me. So it should be fun.
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Jan 13, 13 at 12:11am
Oh I've been pretty good. How about you? Watching anything good?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0 left a comment for anime_22
Jan 12, 13 at 5:01am
Just been sick. Like everyone right now. Looking forward to Katsucon are you going?
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra left a comment for anime_22
Jan 11, 13 at 11:07pm
I've been very exhausted especially with my new move and work. What about you?
Espelancer @espelancer left a comment for anime_22
Dec 24, 12 at 7:25pm
Hello fellow Virginia otaku :p
azhora1777 @azhora1777 left a comment for anime_22
Dec 22, 12 at 11:53am
Hello,I am great thank you, how about you? christmass is approaching, what are your plans? you doing good?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0 left a comment for anime_22
Dec 20, 12 at 8:23pm
Hi to you as well. I am doing better at the moment I hope you are enjoying your stay at the site.
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Dec 17, 12 at 1:18pm
It's funny because I can do a great english accent. Me and a couple of good friends of mine used to go around town to stores and drive-thrus of fastfood places and speak like that the whole time. We did it so much that at one point we actually had people fully convinced that we were from england. Yeah we were really bored at the time XD
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Dec 17, 12 at 12:33am
Oh but of course. People are gonna be turnin heads when they see me walkin down the street like a sir
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Dec 16, 12 at 11:29pm
That they did. I don't own one but I wish I did haha and yes believe it or not they still make those and they're pretty easy to find and buy. For fun I might buy one soon. XD
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