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28 year old Male
Last online almost 11 years ago
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 8:00pm
Still I can still talk here though I will get skype on my computer tomorrow though so that wont be a problem
Nov 05, 12 at 7:59pm
ah fair enough
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:58pm
my phone kinda went out earlier to so I now im using my computer to still oovoo with somebody.. but when my phone is charged again because after doing this it wont come on til its fully charged which will be around 10 then I can but will have to probably go to bed by then and that other person to so in the evening when your not at school we can
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:54pm
Yes it is isnt
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:53pm
Sorry about not skyping you alot either a little while ago I just well you already know when I do get more free time like right now we can so when I do have free time we can skype but tonight im quite bussy
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:51pm
Lol sorry then you can watch it later i suspose however http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=606&tbm=isch&tbnid=IfSsG9qRQW4XEM:&imgrefurl=http://www.animecrazy.net/forums/members/u21995/primi-albums-akatsuki-naruto-picture26106-dinnerattheakatsuki.html&docid=UIBJMVrVFjhUXM&imgurl=http://www.animecrazy.net/forums/members/u21995/primi-albums-akatsuki-naruto-picture26106-dinnerattheakatsuki.jpg&w=799&h=596&ei=Xm2YUMKaEczkigLBg4CQBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=252&vpy=163&dur=1594&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=126&ty=125&sig=107715615654700525803&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=160&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:78 this might do the trick for some humor its a pic
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:48pm
Its going pretty good anyways heres something to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daTTOyu-E1w
Nov 05, 12 at 7:45pm
so hows it going with you know who? :P
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:44pm
Yes i was
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Akullen
Nov 05, 12 at 7:10pm
Im watching the vid again