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Last online about 2 years ago
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 26, 16 at 7:51pm
Well yeah that's the brain's job, especially when you want something to be a reality your brain will make it as positive as possible even if its fictitious. There are things that are impossible of course too. That said, if you want something to become a reality, make it so. Rarely does anything ever stand in your way but yourself.
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 26, 16 at 7:46pm
Hey, I'm very visual and I also like cute fluffy stuff including anime, that totally says something, maybe I'm just too innocent! :'D xD I just think it ruins the story, but if its well placed fine it just should be brief. But I can totally visualize I'd just rather do that over read I guess. Who knows, like I said won't judge, I think videos are just as silly so at least there'd be more of a plot. Imma get back to my lackluster in the logic department thank you very much. As long as it has proper english I'm happy!
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 25, 16 at 8:28pm
I honestly don't think I learned the meaning of what "lemon" was in the context of fanfics until a month or so ago. Yeah, I'd pass, my interest is in comedy and I don't really get how people get their kicks like that reading but...who am I to judge? xD Sounds cool. How long was it?
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 23, 16 at 11:40pm
Do I dare ask what it was? I like weird crossovers (ya know as long as they don't go into xxx territory haha). Its usually like either what you'd expect or not at all. Like dr who and naruto...random af but it was highly entertaining (blame my sis for suggesting it to me). I didn't realize all happy and natsu do is freeload...the manga its there sure but in the anime...dear god...I'm so done xD
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 23, 16 at 7:10pm
C'mon pull out of the routine or things get dull...do something different each day even if its as small as taking another route home from work or something! Haha, well at least you're doing well. Saw a Nalu amv and it inspired me to start watching more FT again because I wanted to find some of the scenes. Also watching my aunts 3 dogs so its crazy but I'm having a good time. Hope you have a good weekend.
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 22, 16 at 7:17pm
Hey since those are done you can always skip filler if you don't like the arc and at least those 2 are done haha! Well Naruto was in filler hell but that's common place so just watch when good stuff comes out if you want (that's what I do since I've finished the manga on both). What are you up to?
Sep 19, 16 at 11:48pm
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 18, 16 at 8:36pm
Of course. xD Filler territory or actual plot?
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 18, 16 at 7:01pm
What anime?
kaizu™ @finecanine left a comment for Aerone
Sep 18, 16 at 12:22am
That is still much coffee!! xD What will you do with your time off then? Just sleep. I have to work. But I actually had quite a bit of fun at the wedding though I'm really tired now and wish I didn't have to work but meh. Worth it.