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Last online over 2 years ago
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 4:56pm
What genre? A really dificult book to read might be The Discovery of Heaven by Harry Mullisch. It's one of the few classic Dutch novels that's been translated to multiple other languages
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 4:51pm
Should I now recommend a book to you? I just feel like I got the good end of the 'deal' now...
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 4:38pm
I'm not extremely familiar with the bible, but I do like biblical references like the ones in Johnny Cash's "When the man comes around" I'll checj Zachariah out ~.^
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 4:14pm
I honestly haven't heard of any of them o.o I read Huckleberry Finn, Jackle and Hyde, Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice and a lot more of those classics. Fantasy used to be my genre, but since I'm writing fantasy/science fiction myself, I tend to enjoy reading it less, sadly
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 4:04pm
Such as? (This conversation could be far shorter =P)
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 3:46pm
Tell me more about your pickings ^^
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 3:23pm
Ow, you're one of those... It's nice to have met you, Ma'am, but I think it's in our best interest to go our seperate ways now =P Just kidding. Olive Theory still stands. Also, you might be able to redeem yourself with your love for books?
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 1:32pm
That's the whole point. Have you ever seen How I Met Your Mother? You don't like them, yet I do. We compliment each other perfectly! ^-^ XD
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 1:19pm
I'd like the cream filled ones. It's like the Olive Theory from HIMYM! We'd be the perfect couple! xD
Lisanthur @sanfi left a comment for Aerone
May 20, 16 at 1:09pm
Caring is sharing. Even if I only get one of a hundred donuts... ^^