HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
this is so cool!!! Best boris <3

meow =^-^=~ @meow
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

meow =^-^=~ @meow
yikes! Well dont get strangeled! that would be a very sad day :'(
[In recent news, Death by epic cosplay]
But for creating it, it is the best chesha cat cosplay that i have ever seen :)

RuKira @rukira
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

RuKira @rukira
@Xalitha I liked your page :) mine is https://www.facebook.com/OfficalRuki?ref=hl
@Meow It is heavy O_O Its 30lbs of fluff and its acutally a Boa so it goes around my neck thats why its so long XD

meow =^-^=~ @meow
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

meow =^-^=~ @meow
i dont doubt that its heavy. I made two fluffy tails and they def have some weight on them but yours is by far bigger than the ones i have made. Does it swing well?

xalitha @xalitha
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

xalitha @xalitha
^^ <3 yay!!!! Cheshire party~ hey like my cosplay page :D ??? ~Nyaaa https://www.facebook.com/Xalitha20

RuKira @rukira
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

RuKira @rukira
@Meow yes it is fluffy thats what i love the most about the thing besides it being heavy as hell XD
@Xalita yay! Theres another Cheshire cat on here :D not the only one now lol XD

xalitha @xalitha
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

xalitha @xalitha
OwO HOMG!!!! i found me another Boris cosplayer x'D ( yay im not the only Cheshire out there) :D ~Nyaa

meow =^-^=~ @meow
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

meow =^-^=~ @meow
thats awesome!!! :D Well i think it looks fantastic! the tail is SO fluffy! ^+^

RuKira @rukira
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

RuKira @rukira
Thank you Meow ^^ And yes I did make it :3

meow =^-^=~ @meow
commented on
Boris in Wonderland

meow =^-^=~ @meow
LOVE your chesha cat cosplay! ♥ Jealous!!! :D did you make that?
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