Wonderlust @sica
commented on
Wonderlust @sica
lol Lucy!

aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
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aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
hhahahahahah lucy is just posing in the background XD

Asylum 保護所 @asylum
commented on
Asylum 保護所 @asylum
haha i lost my direction to your wall scroll but nice. Lucy is so adorable ahah. i like how your pupil is red and then theres blue around it. your camera is cool

Nope @ihaveusername
commented on
Nope @ihaveusername
xD.. You're all serious and then elfen lied chick is in the background all :D
DanaWana @danawana
commented on
DanaWana @danawana
LOVE your Elfen Lied poster! It's so cute! I have yet to see that show, looks very good.
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