MoeMofo @moemofo
commented on

MoeMofo @moemofo
I guess I'll take that as a compliment!

cernunnos @cernunnos
commented on

cernunnos @cernunnos
Damn dude

MoeMofo @moemofo
commented on

MoeMofo @moemofo
All good, and thanks for the add and the reply to that thread. Very insightful stuff

randombaguette @randombaguette
commented on

randombaguette @randombaguette
Or offensive* maybe i don't know my english very well excuse my baguettness

randombaguette @randombaguette
commented on

randombaguette @randombaguette
Clearly one of the best photo i've seen here ! but take care to not go transparent ! jk not trying to be offending :^)
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