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Dec 11, 16 at 12:11pm
Silverknight knows what's up^^^^ Man I wish I could've gone to college to understand all of these big words that are being used. I feel stupid right now. *sigh*
Dec 11, 16 at 12:25pm
I think kichi can be a little too defensive/come on too strong sometimes with some topics including racism but I can sort of understand why because from what I've seen him post occasionally because's really had to deal with some backwards, rascist mother*!@%#$s.
Dec 11, 16 at 12:34pm
racism is everywhere though. i once had a friend say his mom wouldnt let him come to my house because she thought my grandma was "mean". 1st of all he was white and i am black. my grandma isnt even black, she and i share two different skin tones and she is full on hispanic. but because she saw my skin color and mine alone she assumed. its not really all that serious but like its still kinda messed up
Lets be real here Kichi isn't coming on strong.... hes coming on like a pure bigoted asshat who can't handle dissent. There's a difference between being blunt and upfront and just being an ass and by his content on his two threads (because he couldn't handle dissent on one so he had to make another like a little bitch). I see him trying to act like a real hardass but second some real comes at him he's defensive as fuck curling into his little tumblrista SJW ball (racism = bad buuuut dehumanizing because of disagreement = ok .... got it :) ) First off he isn't even referring to the guy whose been roasting him and calling him out on all of his flaws in his points as a human (using "it" instead). If he isn't even reading what "it" says how the fuck does he know what the opinions of the "it" even are? There is pure willful ignorance there. That is some ignorant ass shit right there - bitch tactics 101 for real. Protip: Don't engage in conversation over a serious and contentious topic if you can't handle simple dissent .... especially if your first move is to flame, insult, dehumanize, ignore and cry all sorts of things and avoid actual discourse. There are some actual intelligent adults open to actual discourse - don't get in their way and just stay out of it if you can't handle it Protip 2: If you aren't aware (especially consciously so) of what another's opinion is don't you dare assign anything to the opinion or the person as a whole. To avoid any confusion - Yes I'm calling out Kichigai as the whimpering little bigoted bitch hes acting like by his words and actions toward dissent and not even particularly hateful language. He will probably flame at me or ignore me but then mention how bigoted or racist I am without even knowing what I said (because that sure as hell makes sense) ... and just to reiterate if it wasn't obvious enough its because of his words/actions not his race (because its 2016 and I'm white and hes black I have to point this out)
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on RACISM
Dec 11, 16 at 12:58pm
Me thinks a class on debating is needed. Not that I'm not guilty of joining in on (or causing) the degradation of debates from time to time. I'm not sure anything worth while can really be added at the moment. The main issue kichi originally had was that "it" didn't bother to watch the video nor stay on the original topic and essentially was disrespectful because he couldn't be bothered, but still hoped right on in. He has a right to be a little annoyed, he started the topic only to have it turn to shit (So to speak. There are some valid points on both sides, regardless of loss of the original topic.).
Dec 11, 16 at 1:00pm
@panda I think you left out some important details. Just reading your post at face value it kind of sounds like you're just assuming that is the reason when at face value with your post there is nothing really to support that.
@Popo I understand why you'd think the majority of white Trump voters would imply that the KKK and their views are more prevalent but to imply that Trump voters are white supremacists is to equate BLM protesters as all rioters who just want the excuse to destroy things and loot or that all inner city black people are thugs/gangbangers. I'll tell you why a lot of white people came out in droves this election all across America (and no it isn't because of white supremacy) .... for the last 8 years under Obama us white people have been blasted by the SJW's and all sorts of other people how we're bad for simply being white..... about this white privilege and putting all sorts of white guilt on us. Obama instead of being a unifying force in race relations was a divisive one. This does not mean that the legitimate KKK and those who share their beliefs didn't come out - of course they did but to chalk up Trump's victory to white supremacy is lazy and is very inaccurate. It was definitely a "whitelash" as it has been thrown around but not the way people make it out to be. Did we riot in the streets? Did we shut down cities and government facilities? No we held our protest at the polls.
Yasshat - I've been thinking of starting a "how to discourse" thread... I might do it because a lot of people really seem to need this valuable playbook and they obviously aren't getting it through their normal social media / news sources.
Dec 11, 16 at 1:08pm
@kid no ik it was racist he made sure to emphasize that it was because i was black that my mom might be mean to him and yell at him. he was supposed to actually come over to my house but she didnt know what i looked like so she passed by my house while i was waiting for him outside then she just kept going. when i asked him at school the next day he told me he couldnt hang out with me and that his mom said all those things ^^; didnt find it necessary to put in all the details but i guess you thought it was important
Panda - if you (anyone) is going to make a racism claim .... the details that suggest race is the sole factor are kind of important otherwise you're just putting out a baseless conclusion.
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