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Achieving Our Goals

Sep 24, 16 at 10:56pm
Kawaii Girl #4: It's always difficult deciding which kawaii girl to flesh out since I draw several within a given week. My skill set can't handle the more actiony poses, so again, I've settled for a basic one. For this week, I've realized the importance clothing has over defining a character. I wanted to draw something... reserved, yet modern. In short, a woman revealing her collar bone (*COLLECTIVE WOLF WHISTLES*) HEY C'MON KEEP YOUR PANTS ON!!! (#LAUGHTRACK) https://i.imgur.com/iicg8uo.png Anyways, I really like this one! The glasses were an after thought but MAN it really sold the character! Like a modern day librarian! ("Libraries still exist?") But one who's okay making a few Benjamin's behind a bookshelf or two ("I--errr, WHAT?!?") A modest/s-active/book-worm type of gal. Why, I'd go so far as to call her... someone I'd fall in love with~ (っ^ω^c)("OH MAN SHY THAT'S SO BOLD!!!") Heh heh~ *tips fedora* I would say this kawaii girl is a SUCCESS!!! (there's a bookshelf version but... I gotta research how to draw bookshelves I guess...) 160924 - Progress Report 6: ...I DIDN'T WORK ON THE SCRIPT AT ALL!!! I could blame my busy schedule, I could blame the times I read h-doujins and neglected my health, OR I COULD BLAME MYSELF!!! I'm not gonna make it... I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT!!! Week 6: FAILURE!!! Things to Improve: THIS IS IT!!! THE DUE DATE IS SEPTEMBER 30TH, ONE DAY BEFORE MY NEXT PROGRESS REPORT!!! THE HERO CAN'T FAIL!!! HE ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT!!! EDIT: Whoops, forgot the side note and liking my own progress report: Side note: I didn't play Style Savvy this week... ;_; Liking My Own Progress Report: COMPLETE!!! EDIT2: OH CRAP I forgot I'm not supposed to like failure reports!... well... whatevs (#WOMP)
Sep 24, 16 at 11:24pm
@hoodedfang I personally use Pixelovely and Quickposes ( http://artists.pixelovely.com/ ) ( http://www.quickposes.com/ ) though I prefer QP as of late. The main reason I don't use posemaniacs (and I'm not slighting it or anything! Some professionals recommend it!) Where was I... basically, posemaniac features a somewhat unrealistic 3D model (aka muscle man...) while other sites use real life human figures. The alternate angle and upside-down modes are great, but not for characters based on reality. For instance, a character bending their arm (to hold a glass of water, lets say) will activate certain muscles. I don't think those 3D models have that capability... In short, even tho I only draw anime (#WOMP), I have to at least make an effort to understand real life human beings because I've neglected them for so long! (I'm working on it tho!) That and I suck at clothes/folds so I need that reference as well. I think folds are more of a gravity/pull thing, so I wish there were a posemaniac 3D version of that, but I guess it's too complicated...
Sep 25, 16 at 1:26am
I was sick most of last week, so I didn't really get anything done, and this week I simply had no motivation... but, here we go! So here's a character design that I partially finished. The top part is the design itself, and the bottom part is what was almost the design sheet, but it's mostly unfinished. I never really settled on how I wanted to do her hair, or really anything, but I've never been great with character designs, so I try to do them whenever I'm in the mood: http://a.nime.me/0079/0205/loki-design_process.png As for writing, I did get some done for a non-personal project, but I forgot to keep track of word counts. Either way I fell short of my goal so over all this week was a failure. I also think I'm going to be postponing any future updates for a while, so I don't disappoint too much while I split my focus up a bit more. I also just found this image, which I'm not sure when I was ever able to draw such impressive expressions, but apparently it's a design for a character to be used in an animation I have already storyboarded... amazing what you discover when going through old files. Anyway, maybe finishing that animation will be a future goal if anyone would be interested in seeing it (it's a fight sequence) http://a.nime.me/0079/0214/design1a.png EDIT: the last image is apparently from November 2015, so that's when I was able to draw such impressive expressions...
CONCEPT REPORT 3 - 9/25/2016 Not gonna lie, I was planning on lying. But since I hate lying, I won't be doing that. And it wouldn't technically be a "lie" anyway since I would of told the truth, just not all of it. But anyway, on to the report. Due to work, doctor visits, and good old procrastination is what kept me from doing physical work this week. But while doing all those hings, I have thought on my project at hand and reworked a few things about my game. So along with a drawing that I have to finish this week, I'll be making drawings of one or two characters for my game and will be putting that on my deviantART game develop account. Hopefully I'll be able to focus more on my days off. But I'm sure I'll end up being needed by someone this week since it always happens when I plan things.
@Ringo Bingo Even if what you wanted for the game won't be done by October, you should still be happy about the progress you've made so far. :D And I think I know what you've decided on, but I'll PM you and ask anyway to make sure. Either way, I'll be fine with whatever you've picked. @Siru Good luck with that. @Shy Don't know why, but the glasses really complete the character for me. Without those she wouldn't seem like how you wanted he to be. So good job at adding them last minute. I think pose maniac is mainly for nude sketching and uses the muscle look so that anyone under 18 can use without people thinking it's porn since most people think nude art is porn at times. So clothing probably wasn't a concern for them when making the model poses. And I understand how you want your references to be more realistic. I personally don't like realism in my art for I like drawing cartoonish things anyway. That and I'm going to be drawing full on realistic in the future, so it doesn't concern me. @Khadrian First off, I hope you're feeling better. Secondly, you wouldn't really be disappointing anyone for lack of progress. At best, you'll only really be disappointing yourself. But it's fine if you want to postpone. I like the third design for your character a lot. I like how the outfit is a combination of the first two. It's simple and not boring, which is cool. I think you should go ahead and try to do the animation. At least for practice and to get some experience. And from the look of your expressions drawings, I think you just need to be a little bit more confident in yourself and your art.
Sep 27, 16 at 12:14am
@Shy and Kha Those are some nice drawings. I actually wanted to do graphic designing like that myself, but I never had the talent for it and I was heavily discouraged by my mother to partake in anything that remotely resembled art. Well, I said I'd have it done by Thursday, but I didn't actually finish it until Saturday. I had some peer reviews on Wednesday and was so cocky about it being perfect that I didn't pay as much attention to detail as I thought I did. The flow of the paper ended up a little inconsistent when I was talking about client lawyer privilege and it sounded really choppy, rushed, and honestly unattractive. My sentence structure was just complete ass and I had no idea why I thought it was the second coming of Christ or something. I went into TOO much detail about why I thought it was unconstitutional and the cases that I used were very questionable ones and one even ended in a mistrial. So, hey. Who knew? As for Vegetable Curry, well, I do have good news and bad news. Now that I have more time since the paper is done, I can allot more time into cooking. Bad news, I have 0 progress :D I also need to learn how to read and write in cursive, because honestly, I have no idea what this says: http://i.imgur.com/I8pfadD.png
@Sunbae Well at least you now know what need to do and work on when you make a new paper for anything in the future. It's tricky to write something in detail and to not just ramble on. You have 0 progress but that just means you have a fresh start on it. :D Learning to read and write cursive is nice. But from looking at it, most of that isn't even in cursive. Whoever wrote that has very hard to read handwriting. It's all mainly written in print with a cursive letter or two tossed around in some words.
Okay. So I'm a VERY big idiot! There is a goal that should of been my first and top priority, if not before, but at least after the jigsaw puzzle game. I'll fix the list later, but I have to cancel my current goal even though it's due date is this week. I realized earlier in the week but haven't had time to change it here. But my new goal is to make and complete my website. And I'm going to do this in phases by holidays. By Halloween, I want the overall site to be done. By Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'll add anything else that's needed for it.
Sep 30, 16 at 2:19pm
Whelp I'm at the 174 goal, I actually hit 172 this morning but I'ma eat :D Thanks for the support! Now all the worries will be able toning what I've got. :D
Oct 01, 16 at 10:39pm
@Sunbae: Thanks! (Also your mother has good judgment :P) It's kinda funny since I think we're all envious of each other to a certain degree. That is, you and Ringo's goals are exciting in that you get to see the world and make a positive change, others have exercise/muscle-building goals which I should probably start as well... In short, keep it up! We're rooting for you!
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