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Achieving Our Goals

Sep 16, 16 at 11:33pm
KK Slight Progress Report! Due date: still Akon 2017 Weight Goal: 174 Current Weight: 177 Starting Weight: 243 Need to attain them muscles but while keeping around the 174 mark. How to attain: Continue to run daily and destroy my shoes...man I need new shoes... Also dat P90... also stop craving fooddddssss.
CONCEPT REPORT 2 - 9/17/2016 I spent the week trying to come up with a way to properly use my time wisely to work on my game and to do other things I like. I didn't come up with much, but I have decided that I will try to go to bed around 11 every night so that I can wake up in the morning to do things. I've also been trying to draw a little more so that I can make reference pictures for characters for my games. So for this coming week I will also be writing for some of my game ideas. Finishing note documents mainly. This will be done along side the drawing. Depending on how much I get done, I might start using my deviantART account that I made for game work soon.
@reigami You have great progress so far. Can't think of anything else to say other than that. Great work! :D
Sep 17, 16 at 10:44pm
WOO HOO I MADE IT!!! 160917 - Progress Report 5: I've once again revised ACT 1 (#WOMP) but not by much! I'd say it's at 99.3% completion, but this week's focus was ACT 2: I've mentioned previously how my main character's dialogue was proving difficult, so I put them in non-canon scenarios per Hoody's suggestion. It was... quite the revelation! I can't describe everything due to my project's secrecy, but let's say I have two characters named "Genki-desu" and "Grounded-desu, the former being genki/goofy/care-free and the latter being more level-headed. Grounded-desu gives a long-winded lecture to Genki-desu, and it basically sums up to "smart-person-talking-down-to-stupid-person-who-doesn't-care", and it still has that vibe, but I've realized that most of the dialogue I've written for Grounded-Desu... WAS ACTUALLY FOR GENKI-DESU!!! In short, I've re-balanced their characteristics. They're no longer at the extreme ends of genki or grounded-ness; the dialogue now displays their flaws while keeping their theatrical ideals in tact, thus making a more interesting character! THIS IS GOOD PROGRESS!!! Week 5: SUCCESS!!! Things to Improve: ("Did you gung-ho?") - Yes (#LAUGHTRACK) but I had to... I think. I'm not even worried about it anymore (#WOMP). I'll just let things play out and see where they take me~ Kawaii Girl #3: For whatever reason I thought this was Kawaii Girl #10! (#WOMP) It's hard to believe that Kawaii Girls only started two weeks ago... pretty much the beginning of September! Anyway, as Summer comes to a close... THAT MEANS LESS TRAFFIC (#womp) but it also means lower temperatures which I'm super-excited for. I thought I'd draw something to represent that feeling. https://i.imgur.com/Wn61akN.png This kawaii girl wears... I don't know (#WOMP) Something like a casual dress but with sleeves? Not sure what to call it, but basically it's still hot enough to step into the beach, but she's reminded that change is coming... The Looming Touch of Winter's Breeze~ (so poetic~)(っ^ω^c). I don't usually critique my own Kawaii Girls (trust me, I see the mistakes...) but it's worth noting that I didn't like this week's pose. I find it difficult drawing a full-body pose that isn't boring... All the Kawaii Girls are just standing and aren't doing much else. And maybe this is good from a character design point of view, but I've gotta create "stories"; poses that speak for themselves. I'm clearly not at that level yet (nor will I be by the end of the year #WOMP), but I have to keep reminding myself that I lack what the pros have. And until I overcome that hurdle, I can't expect to become a mangaka... Side note: I didn't play Style Savvy this week... ;_; Liking My Own Progress Report: COMPLETE!!!
Sep 17, 16 at 10:46pm
And because I didn't like this week's pose, I thought I'd explore a different scenario: Kawaii Girl #3: GALACTIC GRA-COMA EDITION: https://i.imgur.com/8yROGuQ.png (Last week's Kawaii Girl felt somewhat Galactic, too. Maybe they're from the same universe~) (...okay, they're not) (#WOMP) EDIT: wow didn't realize how small MO's forum chatbox was (or whatever you call it)... feel free to open the image in a new tab to view more details (...okay I'll like this report too! #WOMP)
@Shy I'm glad that my suggestion was able to help with your ACT 2. And the style for this kawaii girl is good as well. I think that type of dress has a name for it, but I don't know. Overall, great job! http://www.posemaniacs.com/ I sometimes use this site for pose references. This might be of some help for you.
Sep 20, 16 at 1:02pm
Pretty late on this one, but I've been a tiny bit preoccupied with this living alone stuff and school and planning my HK trip! I also went to Vegas two weeks ago and I went to Florida over the weekend for a party for my friend's promotion. Anyways, no progress on the vegetable curry since I actually don't have a gas line that leads to the stove. That was interesting to find out two weeks ago! As for the paper, it's more or less finished. This is the final rough draft and it should be done on Thursday. It's a little over 19 pages long and if I include the very first draft, I probably spent over 70 hours on it.
@Sunbae Ah, interesting. I hope you were able to enjoy yourself on those trips and I hope that you have a safe trip to HK as well. Good job with the paper too.
23 September 2016 Progress Report #5: I won't be able to post updates again soon, but I think my progress report for now will suffice until the next time. Goal 1) I will continue on with the two remaining routes as much as I can after I return from my trip in two weeks. Because I was asked to take a break from the game programming these past weeks, our main programmer decided to take the reins and this will likely cause a delay in our project again. I'm now officially benched from this project indefinitely. I'll probably just keep updating the game development progress here regardless of who works on the programming. It most definitely will not be finished by the end of October, that I'm sure of. Goal 2) I have now made my decision and I stand firm on it. I gave my final response to the relevant people and there is no turning back from it now. Minimizing POSSIBLE regrets is all I'll be able do after the fall out of my choice, but either way, I might have regrets if I chose the other route as well. I know it's going to be okay in the end anyway. I'm not really scared or too wary anymore, so that's a good sign. At the very least, I've made my peace with myself over my choices. I will not be stating here what I finally decided on, though. I hope that doesn't violate any terms of use in this thread, haha! The important thing is I'm happy and settled about it and that I accomplished my second goal a week earlier than my prescribed deadline, yey!
Sep 23, 16 at 11:48am
my goal is to make a tiny house on wheels with pop uts and a second floor that might be real hard though
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