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What is the first topic you've ever created?

I'm curious. What is the first topic on this site you have ever made? I've been a user on this site for wow, almost 10 years now. Joined in 2014. The first topic I ever posted was trying to recruit an aspiring voice actress to help me with an project I was working on. I don't even remember what project but I guess it was a college project. https://maiotaku.com/topics/11606?page=1 I joined basically treating the site like a weebish LinkedIn lol
I honestly don't even remember, but knowing me. It was probably something stupid *insert penis joke here*
@alephy You can find it by clicking the bell, go to subscriptions, and then scroll down till you hit your first topic. I bet you are right about the penis joke
in 2008 i remember my first ever thread. about mr hanky from south park, that show is still around. i remember it being a long post and it erased and i had to write it again.
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