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underage kids

Oct 23, 16 at 2:22pm
who thinks the under age rule to have relationship is kinda stupid there allot of people who have one and both are happy as we know the usa makes the big deal of it as irony the one suffers more about it as places who is allowed or parents are ok with them and they suffer less problems and rapes and i see this stupid because we make party of girls how they turn women so you says she turn women when she is 15 or 16 but you called them children and same time educations censorship allot of topics as adults violence but you can teach them how sex organs work and show them porn pictures so people do this there arrest but you can and parents do this it arrested too but the more stupid thing you can teach them porn but violence or other adults thing you can get fired so making our younger age people more stupid and we complaint how our society is turning stupid and the one i dont like must is what if there was adult who liked under age girl who was 16 and she like him when she was younger too and they both have a clean relationship as friends and going to places public as ice cream park and waiting to be adult to get married and christian wedding as you both wait sex until you get married and i dont see harm both like each other and parents says it was OK and all of them know each other because of friends and i dont see how this can get you arrest if does it so stupid
Oct 23, 16 at 2:39pm
Uh, so I'm not too sure what you're trying to get at because your sentences are kinda... too stream of consciousness for me to comprehend well, but I'm gonna assume that you're talking about the age of consent. Which is different state to state and runs from 16-18. I think you're a little confused about how it works though because the age of consent is the minimum age that one can consent to sexual activities, not platonic activities. Also, I dunno what kind of school district you might have gone to, but nationally there's a huge problem with how we don't teach effective sex education in this country. Most schools tend to teach abstinence-only programs which is far from teaching students "porn". Biology class is also pretty far from porn unless your idea of porn is just images of the naked human body :/
Oct 23, 16 at 2:51pm
St-St-Stooooooop! My eye's and brain hurt from trying to read.XD Sooo... I think xueli covered it, in the condensed version sort of way.
Paragraphs are a thing. Learn to use them.
Oct 23, 16 at 8:15pm
What your saying is very confusing. But to be honest the schools should teach about sex and porn and whatever else to give them information so they can choose what they themselves what to do for life or work. Humans have a high barrier around them so they don't get hurt from like damaged reputation. If you look on my profile and scroll down a little you'll see what I mean by people getting upset and can't control their emotions. I myself can't fully control them either and these emotions cause a shit load of problems. Because one person what's one thing while another person wants something else. That's how conflict starts. I been digging at it for years and still can't find a solution where everyone is happy. The closest i came up with was that everything has its place. If you want to kill then go here, you want sex then go there etc. But even that has its problems lol. The presidential debate is a good example that not all humans get along. Some people are on one side while other people are on the other side. Anyway all I know is that life bites ass xD
@jose, There is this cool thing they invented called a period. It's an element of another cool thing called sentence structure which helps to frame specific ideas and keep them separate from other ideas so people understand what you are saying. That being said, we as a society don't deal with sexuality in a balanced and healthy manor. Sex is not bad in itself regardless of age if the persons involved are consenting. What's bad is the potential results such as the spread of STD's and unwanted pregnancy for (especially) underage girls who are still in school. Most people would bring up underage girls being pressured or intimidated into having sex as a reason for the age of consent. That's essentially rape and really has nothing to do with age. Any girl of any age can be pressured or intimidated into sex and that happens all the time. Equally, there are also plenty of underage girls who are the sexual aggressor and banging every guy they can. I've met them personally. I knew a girl who started having sex at 10 and at 13 had already been with 30+ guys and had a 21yr old boyfriend living with her and her mom who she was still cheating on. The assumption that underage girls are automatically innocent and naïve just waiting to be victimized by older guys is an old-fashioned and flawed view. However there are still lots of young girls being molested and raped so often that I've met more girls that were victimized at some point than not. The age of consent really has no effect on this. What we really need is better education. Not just on sex but also about having a healthy relationship and dealing with potential molesters and rapists. As well as birth control being free and available to any girl (or boy) of any age without the need for parental consent. I also think martial arts should be mandatory for all girls. There would be far less rape if every girl could kick ass. The age of consent is pointless really and is self-defeating by nature since anything that is "forbidden" becomes more sexually enticing and arousing which is why jailbait/cp porn is such a huge problem these days. By nature, people want something even more when they can't have it. Also men are genetically engineered by nature to plant their seed where none has been planted before in recently fertile women and as menstruation typically starts around 12-14 than this becomes the preferred age. The other issue is just how men in general view women as sexual conquests and sexual degradation. Just read the comments below any youtube video of a young girl dancing or whatever. On some videos it's so bad it seems like every guy is the worst kind of pedophile. Large numbers of guys these days are emotionally stunted and sexually frustrated and prone to sexual violence because of it. Which is the biggest reason the age of consent exists these days and has been going up the last 20-30yrs. (In the 80s the age of consent was 12 in Deleware, 13 in New Mexico and 14 in Georgia for example. It started going up mostly in the 90's when computers became common and online child porn became an issue). As far as having relationships with underage girls; the sex is fun but because they are still developing their preferences and emotions, a relationship is often rocky and unpredictable. Their recent influx of sexual hormones contribute to this emotional instability and they frequently have impulsive feelings for many different guys. They can think they are in love with you one week and be in love with another guy the next week. Which is why intimate involvement is discouraged and another reason for the age of consent. Although I don't see how the age of the guy matters much. It's often presumed that an older guy wants a younger girls just for sex. As if a younger guy doesn't also want a younger girl just for sex. My point is that many guys, regardless of age, are interested in sex for the fun than a serious relationship. It's not an age thing really. And vice versa, there are also plenty of girls who just want sex. Not all guys want just sex and not all girls want a relationship.
Call me old fashioned but if my children where having sex at 10 year old I would question my parenting skills. My son is 8 and my daughter is 5 and neither even know what sex is. It is such a shame children can't just be children anymore. Media and modern society has ruin innocence and the world is all about what you look like and who you are fucking. Having said that I can't stop or tell people what they should or shouldn't be doing. I just personally don't like it and think children should have the chance to grow and develop before partaking in what I would class as an adult activity. Each to their own I guess.
I've known 3 girls that started having (they considered consenting) sex at 10 and one girl who was 8 or 9 (in my 3rd grade class). Mostly with guys in their late teens. They all started puberty super early and I doubt any of their parents knew at the time. It's true that starting that early can cause emotional issues such as sexual compulsion/addiction or self-esteem issues. Particularly due to a lack of experience and understanding of the whole sexual-emotional-relationship dynamic and how to deal with it. Which is worsened by the lack of education of these topics. I'm not sure I agree about the cultural view of innocence vs sexual knowledge. This stems from the concept that sex is "dirty" and corrupting. It's just a body function really. It's like "It feels good when I touch this part of my body." It feels even better if we rub these parts together on each other." That's essentially sex. The damaging part is the emotional pair bonding that is a byproduct of the sexual intimacy and is often broken causing emotional loss resulting in a variety of emotional and self-esteem issues.
Oct 24, 16 at 3:17am
I was younger than 10 when I had my first semi-sexual experience with a girl older than me. it never went as far as sex but lots of touching and stuff. It made me feel special. I grew really emotionally attached to her. I always wanted to be around her. But then my parents found out and I wasn't allowed to see her anymore. That was what really messed me up. Not the "loss of innocence" or any of that nonsense. It was that someone I had developed an emotional bond with was torn from my life because our interactions were deemed "immoral".
I'm certainly no prude and love sex. I also appreciate that my kids will one day know what sex is. For me they aren't mentally and emotionally mature enough to appreciate what is it. They are still children and I don't feel the need for them to know about something that has no relevance in their life at this time. If either had asked me about it I of course would have a basic discussion on the subject but this has never happened. I guess everyone is different so I can only really comment on my kids. I'm also not judging those who explain what sex is at an early age because again as parents will all are entitled to make that judgement. I'm happy for kids to have knowledge as long as they are informed correctly and taught that sex can be a fun thing if done with the right person at the right time.
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