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Millennials and the strawberry generation

Okay so, I've actually been looking at most of the people here and in my various social circles, and I only really know a handful of people who are like what most of us are describing. Sure, everyone likes instant gratification, but most of them understand its damaging. Either I have good choice in friends, or our generation actually isn't as fucked up as we pretend it is. That in and of itself might actually be an excuse. What would happen if everyone who kept complaining about the generation suddenly just stopped and adapted a bias toward action? If ruin and riots are the first images that creep into your head, then I kinda think you might want to evaluate your own potential first before anyone else. Just go outside, find someone, and do a random act of kindness. Do less protest, and more proaction. Participate in community events. Actually endeavor in creating the world you want right now in your household and neighborhood rather. For fucks sake, pessimism is neither productive, nor a healthy way to evaluate a world that you don't participate in to begin with.
@Chocopyro excellent point I think in my last post I didn't explain myself well like you said it not all people; what I wrote I was mostly meaning genx and baby boomers make up the platform of speech in society and some people make out its the end of humanity or the world but that all they say.Also their are different groups around the world or country so they have different ways of thinking or acting, thats why you hear about so many different people moving from where they live because they want to go some where, be heard and have a positive effect. I wrote 'I think thats why they like the YA books e.g. Hunger games not the violence but protagonists believing in themselves and seeing through to the problem'. Meaning I think most minllinals and the gen next believe in the future and technology to use it in a productive way. all I meaning is you get random people going on about how this gen dose this or that and it the end of humanity well maybe that gen just trying to learn how to enjoy life or not take life so seriously but their bombard by some of the people in genx and baby boomers because their scared of changed.- Sorry for the long post.
alot of or generation is exactly what people think they are /: those of use that actually makeit on our own are fewer than the previous gens. and even alot of the ones who do, are pissed off it wasnt easier, and that this that or the other wasnt free or handed to them. and they think everything is "stupid" lol
@ kasisume_kitser fair point but I believe its depend where you live not everyone like that.
I think any blanket statement about a generation is frankly total BS (and yes I realize the paradoxical/contradictory nature of this statement). No, Generation <insert letter/phrase here> doesn't necessarily have any universal tendencies. Generations are made of many diverse individuals, and everyone acts like it's something new that attitudes and tendencies are shaped through self-interest. News flash: it's not. No, people weren't magically more angelic and caring because they were from a certain generation. No, they weren't necessarily more responsible. Many of our actions at the end of the day are dictated by self interest (regardless of generation), and the evolution of humanity and its society to its current state is NOT the responsibility of the current generation. It's the responsibility of the current generation and all of its ancestors, including immediate. In other words, it's the will of humanity as a whole, despite its diverse parts. Is our society worse than it was hundreds of years ago? I would say hell no, personally, but that's all subjective. Just like our body and brain cuts off unnecessary portions, people tend to ditch things that are not contributive to their continued survival and/or happiness. Yes, many young people do not know how to repair "X" or "Y", and just tend to either get a new one or have someone else do it. But that's a value argument. Many things in general are becoming more technologically advanced (in fact auto makes are purposely making their vehicles more difficult to repair), so learning how to do these things is naturally and slowly being phased out. I mean, that doesn't just change overnight. It's like object oriented programming. You have the low level building blocks that slowly get phased out in favor of more attractive, higher level constructs that save time. Honestly in general I'm optimistic. I think whatever tendencies we have now, they're an evolutionary trait. It's good that we're becoming a more global society. More aware of everyone and more willing to understand different cultures and different people. I think peoples' acute and very real fear of global and mutual destruction will keep said fear from being realized... after all, there's an apocalyptic movie (or anime) about said scenario regularly. Relevant. http://imgur.com/gallery/bagPG http://imgur.com/gallery/3s5o4
@dogejackdaniels this is probably the single most insightful thing i've ever read ._.
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