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Some stuff we need

=====Theme Update===== The red is nice and all, the layout is okay but we need something new to spice things up => Front end framework : getbootstrap.com (multiplatform enabled, in other words no need to worry about making it mobile compatible) ==> Just in case you feel as though you need to get it done fast.. ===> Logo needs patting-top or vertical alignment of some sort ====> Add CSS styling for the scroll bar This also includes updating profiles by inserting glyphicons and more profile feilds, let us put our gaming info, facebook and twitter stuff in to our profile instead of merely putting it in our bio. And let us display certain info under our profile picture when posting in the forums. =====More membership options===== I doubt anyone on this site would argue that they wouldn't buy a membership if it offered more content for their dollars =====Searching===== It might just be me, but the seach needs to change, we need to be able to; "There should be an option to find people in your fandom (Anime or Video Games) in the search option." - Shintaro_07 =====Messaging===== The side bar which holds all our friends needs to change, make it part of the template and set the position to fixed and updating the chat window, it constantly closes and opens and then when it doesn't it has a spaz-gasm and I get the joy of closing the chat windows like 20 times before it stops. =====More genders and preferences===== Give us the option to not specify or something for people who are transsexual/gender =====Moderation===== While the owner is off doing what ever it is he is doing we suffer from trolling and spam, I think it would be nice to have 5 people moderating the forums =>Senior Moderator - has abilities to remove users and what not ==> Moderator - can warn members and delete posts =====Chat System===== Add a real time chat system, where everyone can talk with one another instead of having to keep going to the boards, refreshing or 1:1 => This also includes a TeamSpeak server =====Shop===== Since the topic of why no updates has been done and people saying since the owner isnt getting money he wont do shit add a store with clothing and crap or use spreadshirt.com =====Blocking===== Simple block button can go a long way here =====BBC code===== =====file inserting on posts===== =====Anime tracking===== =====User customization===== Using PHP variables to output the colours the user wants from the database =====Emoji System===== =====Groups===== Let us make our own groups =====Site gallery===== Make a place where people can showcase their cosplays, art or what ever instead of going to a profile to look at the picture for each person =====Signatures===== =====forum seaches===== You can do it site wide or in each category you can just add a data-table =====Like/Dislike System===== =====Award System===== =====Manga section===== Im sure some people are doing manga's, why not give them a spot to share their work? =====Mood System=====
Aug 13, 15 at 12:03am
People who act and look like your favourite characters from anime
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