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Why do people hate gays?

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While we're at it maybe we can discuss the benefits of slavery and why there wasn't anything wrong with the holocaust. ^_^
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I'll refrain from quoting the Constitution, but let's just leave it that all citizens have rights. Giving some people rights and not others is unconstitutional. The government has denied them what is promised in the constitution. The states shouldn't be able to ignore the rights granted by the Nation. This is a form of prejudice and persecution because of something "different" with this group of people. ^This statement alone can be said about slavery and the holocaust. But for the sake of debating this like you want, maybe you can explain why it isn't right or okay to be gay. ^_^ In the mean time, I'll look up a link to that study, if you will follow into it. You could always experiment, yourself. ^_^
Here you go, creampuff. By the way, I told my friend to stop watching FOX because I know she does in fact watch it. I wasn't being smug. ^_^ The study was done in 1996, at the University of Georgia. This article refers back to the study. http://thoughtcatalog.com/madison-moore/2013/11/study-shows-that-homophobes-get-hard-ons-when-watching-gay-porn/ This supports why straight men may be aroused by gay porn. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/billion-wicked-thoughts/201104/the-striking-sexual-similarities-gay-and-straight-men
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I'm also going to add that just because a person fantasizes about something doesn't mean they want it. The whole taboo and sexual infrastructure is based on the taboo being something unordinary and perhaps something the person can't have or doesn't want in reality. Example: People who fantasize about rape. That doesn't mean they actually want to be raped, it's the loss of control and their choice that's appealing and therefore taboo. As is the same with submissive roles in dungeon play.
I did read your post. I'm just waiting for you to elaborate on that middle ground. Why don't you become that person to speak out against gay rights? That was the point of your post after all.
I'll help you. 1. They shouldn't be allowed to get married. 2. They should have no rights in deciding euthanasia in the event of a vegetative state of their partner. 3. They should have no legal rights in a separation or dissolution of civil union. 4. No rights to a child conceived, born, or adopted during a union. 5. Business owners should be able to discriminate and refuse service based on religious beliefs. Pick one, roll with it. But at least explain why.
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