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The last girlfriend I had I was with 3 months ago and I have no idea whatsoever that caused her to go into this frightful rage out of the blue, but I've been engaged to her for a whole beautiful year. Everything is as it should be, I found work with some new publishers, just finished making new characters and now I'm getting published soon. You think all my sweet hardwork would've made her proud and happy for us, but instead she dropped the HOBBY h-bomb on me and I've been doing this line of work for 14 years. She not only insulted my effort to please her, she insulted my lifelong career. When we first met she said she believed in my work, that it was special and important to all the lives I wanted to save theraputically, but on the second week of September she went crazy out of nowhere. I think it was the bi-polar mood swings or so my mom called it. All I know is I did what she asked of me, kept my promises and all it did was piss her off. Is it cause she WANTED me to fail or because I was making more money than her. Either way, that's a pretty dumb reason to break up with someone who loved them with all their heart and gave them everything just so they could throw it away at the last minute. T-T We were going to get married, get our own place and she chickened out, while we were engaged. How messed up is that. I even wasted thousands of dollars on pulip dolls she begged me for and she called me a child for crying like a gentleman who just got his heart broke. First of all, if you make more money than your girlfriend and SHE is the one acting like a spoiled brat of a bully when she doesn't get what she wants and then takes it out on you just to hurt your feelings, SHE is the child. I gave that ungrateful hooker everything and she threw it all away, because of that good career news I was about to share with her. So much for doing what was asked of me, but if I had known I was going to get yelled at either way I wouldn't have asked her to marry me in the first place, but she's different now and cheating on me with a co-worker named Alex on top of that. After she just told me I would be mourned for a long time before she met someone else. I guess in Colorado Springs, a long time means 1 week. Obviously she lied about ALOT of things and I didn't deserve one hour of it. All I wanted was honesty, loyalty and understanding, but is there anyone like that left? I have yet to see it, to believe it and it's killing me slowly.
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maybe she thought yall were just "dating", not in real gf bf relationship
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Dec 20, 14 at 6:45pm
Yep. Some gals *think* they want to be engaged or think they want to be more than friends.. and then realise they want to date other people. The excuses are always in their heads and not real. It's hard not to take it personally even knowing that. I somehow got myself into a long distance relationship while in college. It was great to connect with someone independent and creative. One day I made one of those self pitying and lonely comments and she took it the wrong way. Somehow thought it was directed towards her? Don't know. She didn't bother asking for clarification. just went into a rage and starting mailing everything I ever gave her back to me with a pissed off hand written letter. She never allowed a chance to talk about it. So, I chalk it up as the one excuse she could find to ditch me and make it my fault. If she was at all serious about me then we would have talked it out and gotten some understanding in. Even nice people make ass moves and abandon a (previously) great relationship.
And some people aren't honest at all. They can come off nice when you first meet them. Pretend to sympathize your feelings as if they have been through it too, but at the last minute the truth is not as beautiful as you thought it was and they turn on you like wild animals. It's extraordinarily hard to keep loving someone who doesn't appreciate all the wonderful things you've given them. Some women LOVE to complain, some SAVE UP stuff to complain about, even if it's just all in their head and not a reality. If there's one thing I won't tollerate, it's giving them what they want just to be cruelly insulted ANYWAY. I did what I had to do and I didn't have a single problem doing it, SHE was the one who gave up and jumped the gun on my career for nothing. Bottom line, she doesn't KNOW what she wants and that's why she lost me. I didn't leave her, she PUSHED me out.
Dec 21, 14 at 1:45pm
I just got De-friended for posting on someones Facebook timeline. Figured if it was tasteful and on-topic then I'd at least get a warning message if they didn't like it. Nope. Cut off without warning. I'm not going to risk doing that in the future.. but, it feels lame and creepy that someone could throw away a friendship so easily. Sucks to be them.
I know right, there's too many people like that on IMVU. Nothing but miserable, law-breaking, cyber bullies. Takes all the fun out of creating characters based on your life's work, let alone LOOKING for work.
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