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League Of Legends

Jul 23, 16 at 4:00pm
I'm sure there's a post somewhere on the forum about league but here's another :P Just wondering but what's your favorite role and champion. For me I play pretty much anything, but I've been most successful on Ahri, Annie, Braum, Mao and Sivir Also if anyone is interesting in playing together sometime I owuld love to add you :)
I mostly Jungle or Top: Rammus, Jax, Teemo (on rare occasions), garen, and Nautilus as support. IGN: ChaosFbaum
I play on NA, Main roles are top/mid But I can play any role. Top mains Darius, Poppy, Ryze, Teemo. Mid mains- Annie, Akali, Teemo, Jihn. Jungle- Kayle, xin, Jax, Teemo,and poppy. Adc- Soraka (im not kidding), Cait, Jihn, Kalista. Support- Sona, Nunu, Ryze, malpite, moakai, and annie. my username is KingDemon302
Plat tier jungle main since S2, Gold tier on my new account, I usually only play with friends these days, but if you would like to play, message me.
I main Lux mid, but I have a pocket Irelia top.
Aug 01, 16 at 6:54pm
ADC- not that good as a ADC but if i have to adc i will do it and i will make you proud of me. Support- Sona, annie, karma and sometime janna
Support- Janna Nani Sona lulu zyra and Annie. For mid I play Lux Annie zyra and learning syndra/orianna. If I have to AD I play Ashe or miss fortune.
Well I haven't been able to play League for a while (but I had been watching streamers, youtubers that :) is doing league related videos) I really enjoy Fiora , riven, Master yi, Jax, Darius, and the cute champs (like gnar and teemo etc) I mostly solo top! Not your typical twitch league girl with amazing set of *smirks* *ahem* of skills, of course, haha :) To be frank, I get made fun of by my little brothers for being a noob player haha.... I manage to do okay sometimes, though :) But if someone wants to be my Sensei ... you know educate me :) and improve my limited skills... I'd appreciate that a lot! I love watching people play too :) (the game ... I mean ... lol)
I'm pretty much support main. Favorite champion is Taric (old one is better than the new one) and second favorite is Orianna (though she only works well with some adcs) but I can play with pretty much any support (except Zyra, never learned to play with Zyra) If I don't get support (which happens rarely, big surprise) I mostly play Cho'Gath top and try not to feed my ass off :P I really don't have the 'balls' to make big plays so that is why I mostly play support. Someone's gotta keep that adc alive.
TF one-trick but been playing a fair bit of supp recently :P I'm also diamond ;) ... d5.. don't judge ;) feel free to add me tho I doubt any of you are on EUW :P IGN: Ryachi
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