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lol... all girls like to be stubborn about it... it's a little game... Guy: You really are beautiful. Girl: No, not really, but thank you. Guy: Sure you are. Girl: Why? Guy: <spends the next 30 minutes explaining how beautiful she is> Girl: <sit there enjoying every second of it> And I will still fall for this game every time. As it's my pleasure to explain it in detail.
I've confessed to the same girl probably 100 times... At least it sure seemed like. Oh and how the rejection burned... But it paid off in the long run (at least for a while). Because eventually I did get a yes. And YES it was definitely worth it! Oddly she was the only person I was ever truly brave enough to simply confess to without strong hints. She was worth it though. Way out of my league. (she was the one that taught me the game)
Aug 01, 16 at 9:07pm
Heehee. I know you do Freedom. I usually see your posts and I stand by my position that you guys are adorable. XD
Wagen @ivo commented on Confessions
Aug 01, 16 at 9:09pm
I've confessed to two persons. The first was on school days. I sent a love letter to a girl through her friend talking about my feelings, and she said: -I don't wanna lose my time. The second was on Facebook in June. I said I liked her and she said she also liked me. Two days after she said that she changed her mind and didn't want to be with me because she would find "a cooler boy". We still talked like good friends after that, then last Sunday I messed up a thing, she cursed me like hell, blocked and deleted me. She was bipolar.
I'm gone for one day and you guys choose then to talk about being burning hot? Shame on you!
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Gotta agree with Sailing there mostly. A little chase is fun but why the fuck would I go out of my way for someone who isn't putting the same effort for me? Usually people be on their best behavior in the beginning because they're still strangers and trying to get to know each other. She's hot? So what, a lot of women are hot. Good for you getting her and all that mate but I'd rather date someone who was as into me as I was to them. Why put in all that effort for someone who wouldn't do the same for me? Playing coy is nice and teasing is fun I get that. But real talk if she was canceling dates for no good reason and/or not trying to find another time, could not take a compliment, and rejected me...then seeya. Have a good life. She isn't worth the trouble. I don't think so anyway
@TheSailingTeacup Lol... yeah the game is fun... And dang guys are such dogs. That's a terrible come on! @BurningHalo ... Who says the game doesn't go both ways? Who said it was all the time? If you're really into a girl why not go the extra mile to show her she's special. That's she worth it. That's your serious and willing to make the effort. That's what they want. She's hot? So what? If that's what you think of her then she's better off passing you by. And vice versa. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/339/1/2/golden_time_flower_slap_gif_by_paranoxias-d6wv007.gif I'm not trying to diss on you. But you seem to be missing something or are talking about something else entirely. Playing coy and fishing for compliments is different from acting like a spoiled princess who's above someone. It's the exact opposite even. If a girl acts modest cause she wants you to compliment her, she's not blowing you off. She just wants you to show her affection. By all means give it to her openly. Yeah, everybody wants the other person to return the feeling and be into them too. But love is effort. Love is persistent. Love ain't lazy. Take what TheSailingTeacup said, "I get so many lets anime and chill and you can show me all about it. YEAH right you want to try to get in my pants not into anime!" What kind of effort is that? Where's the proof of actually caring? Why should a girl just let you in cause you said you wanted in? If you really want them bad enough you'll prove it. If you don't, then hit the road jack.
There's this guy I met at an con in May, and we hit it off and ended up kissing. He was really interested in me for the first week, then the next week he went to his internship which is even farther from where I live. Ever since then we don't talk as much as we first did, and he doesn't seem as interested. It sucks because I really fell for this guy and can't seem to move on. He offered to hang out with me when we both get back into college cause that's closer than where he is now but I don't know if that's even a good idea.
A couple of things Wesley: 1."She's hot? So what? If that's what you think of her then she's better off passing you by. And vice versa." I'm saying if the ONLY reason you're trying so hard is because she's beautiful then you're wasting yours and her time. That your effort should be towards someone with more to offer than a pretty face. 2."Who says the game doesn't go both ways?" I dunno, because I'm saying that it should. 3. "Yeah, everybody wants the other person to return the feeling and be into them too. But love is effort. Love is persistent. Love ain't lazy." And all I'm saying is that the persistence should go into someone worth it. Why persist for someone who keeps blowing you off. I've seen more friendships ruined than relationships formed from that. 4."What kind of effort is that? Where's the proof of actually caring? Why should a girl just let you in cause you said you wanted in? If you really want them bad enough you'll prove it. If you don't, then hit the road jack" Why even bring this up? I can tell you that I'm not the guy Teacup was talking about and nowhere did I say that a girl should let you in just because you want her to. Although I will go on record saying that I find nothing wrong with two people hooking up for the fun of it as long as both people are on the same page. Clearly her and this other guy were not. They were looking for something different.
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