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Net neutrality

Dec 16, 17 at 5:50pm
https://i.imgur.com/J3I6sJx.png This is one of the things you're worried about right? Why don't you fact check it? Literally everything in the document is sourced. If you find something you don't believe, all you have to do is check the source. But you're too concerned that it might jeopardize your stance to give it a chance. How is anyone suppose to believe that your stance stands up to scrutiny when you refuse to risk it to any and all opposing information?
Dec 16, 17 at 5:56pm
question does looking at lolicon under no net neutrality mean ill get vanned? asking for a friend, ofcourse
Dec 16, 17 at 6:25pm
Corporations have no reason to ban you for looking at lolicon. The only thing they will realistically be concerned with is illegal content, and they are more likely to ban the source of illegal content rather than the users. As a utility, these sorts of concerns would have been raised to the government and dealt with by the government, but since it is not a utility the government has no authorization in the matter to ban you from an ISP for anything as loose as that. Lolicon/shotacon overall is legal under federal law, but local cases under state governments provide some murky precedent, going both ways, depending on the state, but for the majority of states it's okay. ISP's are under no pressure to ban sites because of a single state.
Dec 16, 17 at 6:38pm
yeah i googled it and its legal alot of times though in countries where its not, aslong as your not rubbing it in peoples faces and its not oo lewd they dont care
Dec 16, 17 at 6:49pm
Well downloading MP3's has always been illegal, and I just got done downloading one at this very moment. Even in this country, if you don't go spreading it around or consume excessively, no one is going to come after you.
This is bad I love shotas...I don't think I could live without it..!! -Blushes shamelessly-
Dec 17, 17 at 1:46am
Let the lolis live!! uwu Also it could still happen even if it's legal x-x loli sites could be banned from viewing
Dec 17, 17 at 1:46am
It's not too likely though~
Dec 17, 17 at 1:50am
I still don't understand why there are people that don't care if Net Neutrality is gutted. With Net Neutrality gone, the internet will be treated like cable TV. ISPs will be more than able to charge you whatever they want while giving you access to a lot less for more. Imagine having to pay a subscription fee just to use certain sites (we could be having to pay a per month fee just to use this very site). Depending on which ISP you have, they can purposefully have certain sites run slowly, simply have them be blocked, or be behind a paywall while favoring others that they like. This could include social media or even news sites. For example, Fox News or CNN can pay off ISPs to favor their news site over their competitors. How is this not censorship? I'm not saying that all of this Will happen, but that it CAN happen. That alone should at least worry you a little. Even if these big corporations promise to never do anything shady like that, there would be nothing stopping them if they decide to do it. Can you really trust big companies? They don't care about you. All they care about is making as much money as possible. Some companies aren't that bad, but so many of the bigger companies have proven to be greedy as all hell. Imagine the greediest company you can think of as your ISP. So many people from both sides of the political spectrum want to keep Net Neutrality. So, this isn't something that just the Left cares about. https://www.battleforthenet.com/
Dec 17, 17 at 1:52am
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