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Controversial opinions

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Feb 17, 17 at 7:14pm
The daily show and shows like it frequently catered to liberal politics. Had THE hate boner for Fox news and often reduced the talking points of conservative politicians into misrepresentative sound bytes which were then made fun of and treated as though a point was made. John himself said that he was a comedian and not a journalist so I don't hold him as some sort of villain. But entirely too many millenials formed their political ideology around the daily show and shows like it before even bothering to actually research the other side of the political spectrum to form a more objective opinion. Sometimes the show was spot on and the jokes were often funny. But still the show had flaws. Fuck me for having a different opinion
Feb 17, 17 at 7:17pm
why yes, it was bias but it never said it wasnt
Feb 17, 17 at 7:18pm
voss i dont really mean fuck you, im a very silly sarcastic person i dont want everyone to have my opinion because then life would be boring :/
Feb 17, 17 at 7:19pm
I don't care about it being biased. Everyone is. I care about when people with no understanding of an opposing viewpoint walk around as if they completely get it and therefore have license to mock it. This is something that I would think you would agree on.
Feb 17, 17 at 7:21pm
The daily show has its moments. I'm more bothered by people who like to be a part of the gotcha brigade and shout down other opinions before even hearing then out. I just happen to feel the daily show is partially responsible for those kinds of people
Feb 17, 17 at 7:22pm
being bias is wrong unless they admit it jon stewart was a very smart and political man, he knew his shit im guessing you just didnt like when he took the piss out of your political standing, which is fine, i wouldnt like that either colbert report was fucking amazing too xD!! people dont understand what satire means anymore, but its the funniest form of comedy
Feb 17, 17 at 7:23pm
if your going to hate a news company hate CNN or Fox for spewing lies and call it journalism the 24 hour news cycle as a whole is the problem
Feb 17, 17 at 7:27pm
My political standing? I have shit that I am liberal about and shit that I am conservative about. I take no sides. I am who I am. I told you, misrepresentation of facts and a side is what bothers me. Taking quotes out of context to assume someone's position is what bothers me. Trying to create a strawman of someone then saying to ignore/attack said strawman bothers me. I LOVE being proven wrong if it gives me a chance to better myself, my situation, and my understanding. I however do not see the daily show as condusive to such betterment. I get satire, but sacrificing facts for it makes it a little less brilliant.
Feb 17, 17 at 7:29pm
I dont hate the daily show first of all. Never said that I did. Also I am well aware of the problems with Fox and CNN, I am not a fan of either
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