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Has anyone been to Japan?

Nov 28, 20 at 9:45am
I was born, briefly lived, and visited there several times, but only to Tokyo area and all around Okinawa. I really like it, there's lots of fun things to do... but there's also the negative things, mostly political/societal things (I worry for women and children) tourists won't have to worry about, though.
Ive lived in Japan in the past. It was fun, and I consider it a second home. I still like it better here in the US, as no country is perfect. Most people don't realize how socially progressive the US, along with many European countries are, compared to most Asian countries (Ex: Though they claim gender equality, women as a whole are not valued as much in society, or their absolutely insane 90+% conviction rate for criminal charges, where the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" does not exist). I lived in Hyogo Prefecture, so I would often visit Osaka and Kyoto for fun. Den Den Town was good fun to visit. Ive also visited Tokyo on rare occasions, mostly to join in the fun of Comiket and exploring Akihabara. Another thing people dont realize, is that Japan has a sub-tropical climate. Summers suck due to the heat + humidity. Also, winter sucks too, since most Japanese homes and apartments are not well insulated. For sure, I want to go back and visit Japan in the future. Pro-tip: if you can speak passable Japanese, try to go to a local matsuri (not a big city one). Its a bunch of fun, especially with friends.
Yeah, I live there from time to time. I travel between Japan, Korea, and China. Stay in each for at least 6 months every time.
Aug 26, 22 at 6:17am
Lived for a year (originally planned on 3) teaching English in a Nagoya high school from 2019-2020. I personally loved my time there and regret choosing to come back due to the pandemic. My career prospects have gone up immensely since then through a different path, but my heart has stayed behind ever since leaving. Seriously considering packing up and just going back to make a life there in earnest. If so, probably going to go to Japanese language school for a full year before getting back into the workforce (whatever that ends up looking like). That said, I just loved the walkability, infrastructure, and wonderful people I constantly met in general. Japan has a reputation for being largely inscrutable to foreigners, but you really have to make an effort to get out and make those connections.
Not yet, but I‘m going probably next summer vacation. But for now I‘m moving to Switzerland.
Oct 14, 22 at 6:09pm
I'm currently in Japan right now. In Okinawa. Not a huge fan of Okinawa but I stayed in mainland Japan near Tokyo for a month and a half over the summer. I also took a mini vacation for the weekend to Osaka to visit Nintendo World at the Universal Studios Japan location. While I was in the Tokyo area, I explored the city. Went to Akihabara, Yokohama, Atsugi (Got a tattoo there), I took the bullet train over to Kyoto, I also went to a small rural area with a shrine in the center of the lake and a backdrop of Mt Fuji. Absolutely love mainland Japan. Okinawa is just intense heat and typhoons.
Possibly planning a trip out to Japan with friends over the summer next year. Any tips or advice?
Dying trying. But busy with my disability, caretaking others (at least my mother) and praying to meet someone who can help me move abroad. At least by dumping my cremated ashes off the Okinawa coast.
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