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Jun 02, 16 at 4:01pm
I'm going to start this off kind of simple before any theories or more complex arguments get going. I'd like to get a bit of a consensus about this. Do you consider circumcision to be genital mutilation? Is it right that most (in the US ) never get to have any say so about a part of their own anatomy? How do you feel about uncircumcised penises (You can still share opinions without it having a sexual reason.)? Given the opportunity, would you (males of course) get uncircumcised or if you never were, circumcised? As for me, I honestly see no reason why this practice continues. It kind of boggles my mind why people are fine with what I (and many) consider genital mutilation. Some say "babies can't feel it". LIKE HELL! Men, take a razor, lightly graze your skin any where on your penis and tell me how that feels. As for the "hygiene" argument, please enlighten me as to how it's so hard to pull back the foreskin and clean? I was circumcised at birth and at times I wonder how sensitivity would be different if I had my naturally protective sheath. Given the chance, I'd probably be all for regrowth, but I wonder if at some point it'd be, well, pointless? I realize there are actual medical reasons behind circumcision, but the actual need to remove the foreskin is rare in the grand scheme of things.
Jun 02, 16 at 4:11pm
Circumcision is genital mutilation. End of story. If someone wants to chop up their penis, I think they should be allowed to. But only an informed adult should be able to make that decision, imo. As for the hygiene argument, that part is true. Your penis will be more clean and you'll get less STIs if you cut some of it off. That being said, you'll get zero STIs if you cut the whole thing off. And fuck anyone who makes the moral equivalence argument. In a civilized society, adults who don't chop off the end of their child's penis, or hack away at their daughter's clitoris, are simply better human beings.
xynox @xynox commented on Circumcision
Jun 02, 16 at 4:15pm
Circumcision is not something I'd neccesserily consider sexual "mutilation" but no, I don't think it should be practiced on boys at an age they can't consent. Idc if a guy is circumcised or not but Sex feels better for guys who aren't so less work for me. It has no medical reasoning behind it. Unless you're an unhygienic slob you won't have any added health risks with the foreskin. The only case where i would understand it is if you had some genetic defect and it had to be done. But that's rare. Circumcision was started by religious folks just so that masturbation and Sex would feel less good. Chastity and yada yada yada.
Jun 02, 16 at 4:16pm
I think it is mutilation but I have no strong opinion on it as far as sexuality or looks go. It's not really a big deal. I think there is a stigma that comes with not being cut HERE but most men in Europe are not.
xynox @xynox commented on Circumcision
Jun 02, 16 at 4:18pm
^^^ Yup. The only guys I know that are circumcised are jewish, lol.
Jun 02, 16 at 4:28pm
Xynox, regardless of if you consider it mutilation, I agree that informed consent is the important part. A child who hasn't even gone through puberty can't possibly consent to something like that. I must say I like my penis just fine, and clitoris's are pretty damn awesome. Let's get some gifs in here to celebrate!
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Arc @arc commented on Circumcision
Jun 02, 16 at 4:50pm
I think I would have liked a choice in the matter. There is literally no reason for men to be circumcised anymore. Nobody is as religious or superstitious as we were back then, plus we have a lot more scientific understanding and hygienic practices. The only reason most people do it nowadays in the U.S. is "because I'm circumcised". There was a huge circumcision fear campaign a hundred years ago and it is still propagating today. If I have a male child, I will not have him be circumscribed. Rather, I will leave the decision up to him once he comes of age. It's time to break this endless cycle.
I try not to get too annoyed at certain things in religion that don't concern me, but seriously, I hate the fact that circumcision is a thing. It's main goal from what I've heard is to prevent/discourage masturbation. That's an awful reason. We happen to have the ability to masturbate and enjoy it, and it doesn't cause any harm. It's awful that there are so many guys out there that can't enjoy sex and masturbation as much as they should. Wasn't aware of any health benefits until seeing this thread, and I'm pretty certain those benefits don't outweigh the drawbacks.
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