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Biggest turn ons?

Jun 25, 23 at 2:50pm
When she gets on me about not cleaning up my stubble I leave in the sink after shaving.
Nosebleed from her bootyfull personality https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExemo0Y2E5bjR5djYybHZqaTJrd2NkMGp0enNqZ2t4bmN0bXNldzFwMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Ek61AvsTykm6k/giphy.gif
I dated someone with a finger fetish. It was difficult for me to willing stick fingers inside anyone's mouth because I was punished as a child for it being bad behavior. Plus all the places a hand has been with bacteria and germs. Just kept taking me out of the mood.
When you ricochet bullets at yourself and get "healed" by a cheerios salesman.
Jun 29, 23 at 10:09pm
This is a difficult one to answer, since I sincerely had no idea what turn on was... because I have only two orange brain cells. Since I don't really feel the conventional 'attraction' that most people do. At least not from a romantic perspective. I think all people are lovely in their own way, but I don't feel particular romantic attraction... though I think that things would make me curious about a person just in general. 1. Physical strength. I used to be very strong, the 5th strongest person out of 20 in my masonry shop. So I would be interested to know what things you like to do for exercise. I especially am curious when they study some form of martial arts. 2. Mental fortitude. As in someone who knows themself well and holds themselves with a sense of respect and dignity without tearing others down. Especially if they've seen a lot of trauma and they manage to not be on drugs, an alcoholic, or a complete asshole with a superiority complex from Zeus himself. I tend to understand these sorts of people well and I like to hear their stories. 3. Mental acuity. Meaning intelligence. But not the 'High IQ' elitists. I mean applicable intelligence like knowing what a GFCI does, how to build a compass, first aid, being the most quick witted mfer in the room sort of things. I love talking about sciences and learning what other people know about things I might not. 4. Dedication to your siblings. It's nice to feel not alone seeing other people understanding the role and putting their siblings above themself is a trait that is rare in the western world.
Jun 30, 23 at 9:29pm
Jul 02, 23 at 2:20pm
being called a good boy
Whatever you say, Dog! http://m.quickmeme.com/img/91/9180af7f47291d57cf6a76cccb8a77e838dcaba549ee4d30ffcf143028a7a492.jpg
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