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Do you like helping other people?

I enjoy helping others out, it makes the world significantly better. It's a good feeling knowing someone genuinely cares about them on a personal level. I care because they are another human, just like myself. People know they can ask for my help about anything, and I am always willing to help. Part of it stems from my Faith, which I put into practice as much as I can. It is part of the reason I am getting into the personal fitness training profession. It's not about the money to me, it's about making people better, helping them to live a healthy life, and improving their quality of life. At the end of the day, it's all about realizing that I am doing something more with my life than just living the "American dream" and being so self centered that I fail to see the pressing needs around me.
Dec 12, 15 at 11:13pm
I guess I do like helping others. There was this one time I college when I was getting on the bus for class and outside the window I saw an old woman double on the side walk and fall. I pushed my way out of the bus and ran to help her. She had a really bloody nose and I got a lot of paper towels from the dorm and called an ambulance for her just in case. I waited with her for the ambulance. She sat there in a daze for a while and then she looked up at me and asked simply, "Why did you help me?" I told her I don't know why. I don't have a motive or desire. I just do it. I don't think about it. I guess I assign more value in the lives of others than I do my own.
Dec 13, 15 at 6:42pm
Yes, in most cases. Not when someone ask for my help and if I didn't do it right they call me names and I feel depressed as hell. Or when someone need help with a heavy thing and they call the strong, tall guys and I'm left standing there like I'm not capable at all.
>A girl I knew in class was a total attention whore. >Never arrived to class on time and always made sure to make a huge fuss about it. >Didn't talk to her all that much, but I had a few conversations with her. >Her wrists had cuts and burns all over them. She wore t-shirts so she never hid them. >I asked her why she would hurt herself like that. >She said "No one loves me and my life is painful" etc., etc. >"No one loves you? What about your parents or your boyfriend?" >Answer she gave me was something like "They actually don't love me," or some shit like that. >Made a point to not interact with her too much after that, because she's too much of an attention whore. >End of the school year, she came up to me and asked if I wanted to go somewhere with her that Sunday. >I'm not good with these situations, so I couldn't say no, even though I didn't like her. >Sunday came, and we went to one of those tower car parks. >Just as we got to the top, she told me that she wanted me to be here as a witness for her suicide. >"Oh shit," I thought. She was going to jump and was forcing me to watch! >Had I known that she was going to do this, I wouldn't have gone with her. >"Not watching unless you do a flip." I said that to try and shock her into realizing this was stupid. >Complete shock was written all over her face. She thought I'd try and stop her. >"E-eh? You're not going to stop me?" >"No, go on ahead. If you really wanted to live, you'd stop yourself." >After a while, she got off the ledge. She walked up to me afterwards and tried to hug me with tears in her eyes, but I told her I loved someone else. She asked me who, and I told her to read the first letter of every line.
When they really need it yes. Other times i guess it's instinct which is quite annoying.
I'm a bit on the selfish side. I don't mind helping people but...
I have rules that might seem weird. My life for anyone elses (amendments) Im very personality neutral so i work to make rules to provide stability around me. Some people think is creepy to think like that
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