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Moderation Transparency

My stance on user problems is they should take them up with Sephiroth. I've not seen eye or ear of moderators on this site, and until I see them, I'll continue to think it is a one man show. There is a contact form, and that is what Donnie should have used to contact the webmaster, Ryan/Sephiroth and discussed his ban vs making another account. It blows my mind that someone would be dumb enough to think that is appropriate for dealing with the issue at hand. Regardless, I'm done here with this topic. Toodle-oo.
@Elder_Reaper You seem to be unable to look past the case of Donnie and instead see how the principles behind it could be applied to general situations on a whole. If you had cared to read any of the previous posts before factoring in your own opinion, you would have noted that Donnie did in fact attempt to reach the moderator(s) – whoever they may be – with the contact form, but to no avail. I am quite glad at this point that you are done with the topic, since you fail to weigh in the already stated facts and instead insist on using your own opinions as a bulwark, as you have already done on numerous other occasions on the site. @Jikoshy Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm very sure that the moderators have their reasons for taking action. But for someone like myself who joined a month ago, I occasionally see threads where posts have been removed, only to see 'the account has been suspended'. Now, this makes sense, given that users can post sensitive content, and the kinds of things that should be removed from the site. However, given that I was new, I had no idea as to why they were banned, and because there's no trace of their original post, there's not really as much context for me to get an idea. Listing the reason for the ban would make their violation very clear, and help to point out to users who didn't see the post itself as to what harmful behaviour will not be tolerated on the site. These reasons are what I wanted to point out, and I think that it would be helpful and also provide a display of general deterrence. "Oh, I see that this guy was banned for racist/discriminatory comments, I'd better be careful of what I say in that regard." Although users should keep that in mind to begin with, a reminder couldn't possibly hurt. All that being said, I understand where you're coming from for sure, and I'm glad for the existing moderation we do already have. Just hoping to be able to help improve the site bit by bit to make it an even better place!
Eh, it was a lot of work just to implement the modding system we have now. All good ideas here, but it's time consuming to program that. MOST actual moderation is a result of automated anti-spam filtering. Certain words or links or too many messages in too short of time, anything that may make the site think you're a robot, is the most likely cause for a ban. Sometimes a couple false positives slip through, but you'll notice a lot less spam here. That's one of the biggest reasons internet communities fail - spam takeover. There was a bug in the contact form that has been fixed now, thank you for pointing it out. Transparency will come eventually I'm sure, but there are a few other priorities.
This account has been suspended.
Maverick and I havent always seen eye to eye... But when we do, it's cause he's a good guy.
Maverick, is it not possible for you to look past the drama here? Even though Elder_Reaper and I clearly do not get along, at least he attempted to deliberate on the discussion at-hand which spoke to how moderation is currently carried out and potential ways to modify it. Anyway, glad that Sephiroth was able to clear up some things and acknowledge the suggestion. Seeing as it's not exactly a priority now, hopefully it gets the chance to be worked on in the future!
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