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Sites that I check in on regularly, like almost daily? There's this site of course, youtube, ebay, steam, imdb, google, TT, mal, mfc, YAJ, pixiv, and few boorus.
- PIXIV - Tumblr - Google News - MangaHere - Crunchyroll - Funimation - My Anime List - AmiAmi (gotta have all the figures) - SomethingAwful - FaceBook
Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, MO, kickass torrents, piratebay (never can be shut down just changed domain to piratebay.to), twitterbootstrap.net.. im the only active person there ;3; , nextgenupdate, IGN, Pornhub, (xvideos (For porn addicts it works on ps3 XD)) pururin, any anime streaming service, crunchyroll, pokemon showdow (online pokemon sim)
YouTube, Anime websites, Facebook(rarely/deactivated), other forums of interest. Yaoihaven (18+ content) •//u//•
Facebook Skype Email Manga Anime YouTube League of leagues Google+ Other social media sites
Mostly youtube to find funny videos. Yahoo.com to check my email. Finally amazon and rightstuf to find all the latest anime and manga. Oh yeah this site is one of them too.
Youtube, Facebook, Myanimelist, IMDb, tumblr, instagram, skype and some art blogs
youtube, facebook, cracked, quizlet, nurse on duty (don't look if you're squeamish about organs), amazon, tvonline, wikipedia, the cynical pharmacist, other random pharmacy/medical related blogs
Kissanime, a few other forums while digging up info on other interests, line webtoon, various parts sites.
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