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League Of Legends

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Jun 04, 15 at 1:33am
Look up nightblue3 if you hate jubgling ^^ youll start loving it
I main support/ mid my favorite 2 champs has to be ekko , Leblanc currently on an server silver 5 and BONUS the new meta sucks cause as long as your tanky "chogath" your unstoppable how to deal with it go bruiser fizz melt their hp Satanic pig oh I'm also getting a name change any suggestions
Jun 07, 15 at 4:00pm
Hello! I'm only a silver 3 scrublord but I do not play League that long. Currently I am thinking to main Riven because I love that champ. I hate playing jungle and ADC, I don't know why but they are the kind of roles I rather dodge lol. My favourite champions are Zed,Riven,Thresh and probably blitzcrank. Some fair ammount of yasuo aswell but in this current meta it's hard to play him. If you are on EUW then u can add me: Triferon
Jun 08, 15 at 2:44am
Hello. I'm still in my placements im actually waiting on the teambuilder draft to finish those. I dont main anything but i like to think im fairly good at all. My worst is probably adc but i do play a mean Caitlyn/Jinx. Im on US, anyone can add me if they want im on most morning and some nights. Dylanmw5 is the summoner name
Yo, Gold 5. I play all roles worst being jungle [So much respect for you jungle mains out there.] Up for a game with anyone, just add me and ask - Azure Eyes - NA I'm a support main but I enjoy playing Fiora the most.
Jun 12, 15 at 7:40pm
Who is down to play league today?
Hello I'm a silver 5. I can do most roles but prefer jungle, mid and will only support if I have a worthy adc duoing with me. You can add me Death Shinigami
Gold 3. I don't really play ranked much though. I can play any role and I'm down to play with anyone whenever. IGN: Boku Wo Shinjite
I'm a Plat 1 (Dia 4 with team) main jungler and i don't really like the current meta. For me playing tanks is just going in and die for my team..and i hate this :D Fell free to add me if you play on EUW - SugarPunch x3
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