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Why do people hate gays?

Jun 07, 15 at 10:15pm
reading some of the posts above, i can say i disagree with about half of you folks but ill just put my two cents out here. its because people are ignorant and narrowminded. they like things set according to rules and things that give their group privelege eg. cishet white males. anything that challenges what they believe to be normal is automatically deemed as societal poison and theyll try to get rid of it, or if not, make fun of it. they dont give a shit about what the minority feels because theyre not part of an oppressed group. if i had a million hats id tip them to the cishet people who'd try to understand what LGBT members have gone through because being different in a conservative world is tough as nails.
Those slurs wouldnt be used so frequently if so many people were actually okay with gay rights, lifestyle, etc. I was also going to point out the countless anti-LGBT bills all the states were proposing or have passed, California bigotry law that calls for the execution of anyone who comes out as gay as a teen and hasn't reformed by age 18, Michigan and its anti-gay bully law allowing for no actions to be taken against students accused of bullying someone who identifies as LGBT, Oklahoma has already proposed 4 new ones this year. A lot of these bills actually won't pass, but the fact that they are proposed THAT SO MANY ARE PROPOSED is enough for me to quench your claim that people who say they don't hate gays really don't hate gays, just theirl lifestyle and their attempt to live a life equal to that of a straight/heterosexual citizen.
^Furthermore on the bills... They may not get passed but I guarantee they will be supported. People will give their signatures for them to be put on the ballots.
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lord, I've been really good today to try to stay off this topic. You were right when you said it's something I'm passionate about. I've over looked a few things and haven't responded to many. Ultimately I'm not going to change your view, it wasn't necessarily my goal to. I've just been sharing my perspective. But I will say, you are young. I hope you are in college or plan to go to college. As bad as THIS is going to sound I mean it sincerely, I hope if you do, it's not a religion based school. I think your eyes would be opened up a bit more and perhaps your views altered a bit if you interacted with either people who are LGBT or friends/family/supporters. Maybe they can tell you what their life has been like.
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Jun 07, 15 at 11:00pm
One thing I will say is that everyone has a choice and while some will disagree with this statement about being gay is a choice, everything is a choice. I am not disrespecting it. I am not degrading it or taking away from its significance. How you live your life is a choice, whether you are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and any other way you identify yourself. Sure, there is personal preference. There may be indirect and direct influences (I am ignorant to this, but a long time ago, I simply heard that there were genes that could prove that you were gay.) At the end of the day, I choose my sexuality with an open mind, and I respect the choice of anyone and everyone, but you make a choice. Nothing forces you to be a certain way in life. If you believe that it does not come down to choice, then please elaborate as to how. There can be so many factors and variables, but they are all Influences, Nothing more, and Nothing less. You choose.
"No studies have found specific "gay genes" that reliably make someone gay. But some genes may make being gay likelier. ... A 2012 study proposed that epigenetic changes, or alterations in marks on DNA that turn certain genes on and off, may play a role in homosexuality. This type of gene regulation isn't as stable as DNA, and can be switched on and off by environmental factors or conditions in the womb during prenatal development. But this so-called epigenome can also be passed on from generation to generation, which would explain why being gay seems to run in families, even when a single gene can't be pinpointed. ... If being gay is truly a choice, then people who attempt to change their orientation should be able to do so. But most people who are gay describe it as a deeply ingrained attraction that can't simply be shut off or redirected. On that, studies are clear. Gay conversion therapy is ineffective, several studies have found, and the American Psychological Association now says such treatment is harmful and can worsen feelings of self-hatred." http://m.livescience.com/50058-being-gay-not-a-choice.html
@verucassault bringing out the receipts.... noice. https://41.media.tumblr.com/334b3eee9593dae86aa87797bb277edf/tumblr_nplyw2u4Xv1u4n28so1_500.png
Jun 07, 15 at 11:23pm
I understand the factors that are involved. My only point to the conversation is that ultimately it is a choice no matter how strongly or weakly influenced. If someone has that deeply of an ingrained affluence to being gay, then so be it. There is nothing wrong with it. They have the right to choose who they are and be happy. I am just saying that it is a matter of choice no matter what, in a positive notion. I would not want to change someones sexuality. I would simply ask them to search deep within themselves, soul searching so to speak, and find what they truly want , and understand why, then make that choice and the will to back it up.
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