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How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

age doesn't really bother me i just prefer my own age i trie dating someone a couple of years younger but far to imature i felt like a parent / older sibling than a boy friend
I tend to go for 2 older, 5 younger. I try to have some for of guidelines but yeah, ages shouldn't matter in this day and age
Age is simply a number to me. I'm much more concerned about how I get along with someone - having similar interests, can talk openly about things, and in general just enjoy each other's company. If that person happens to be young or old, so be it. Just my opinion, though.
I like being the younger one but I'll do 2 years younger, 3yrs older But as I age the numbers change, when I'm thirty or so probably 5yrs younger, 5 years older
not sure how to properly answer this question; i guess i'll start from the bottom and work my way up i suppose i've always been looking for that "someone" my whole life, first time i really understood "be with a girl" type stuff i was about 4 ... been looking for "her" my entire life so probably tried getting a girlfriend around age 6, tbh, lol - but idk, to an extent, age is just a number (most people agree/say this too??) but there are definitely boundaries, too old/too young in terms of maturity (physical and mental) and also the thought of dying too early/too late in accordance (80yo person with 20yo person definite tragedy waiting to happen) but...don't know my prime was in high school ... but i'd rather not talk about that; i say, if you feel ready, or want to be ready, go for it spent almost a decade getting over my first love, won't even go over the details, a complete #$%^-my-life type of situation, but you know, i did get over her, so even in rejection/loss, there is someone out there even if it's an anime/manga character ... <3 you so much Yuno :)
If the feelings are true, then I don't mind much of the age as long their age is legal.
at least legal age which is 18 and I really don't look at the age because age is just a number.
Hmm...for me, as of right now being 26...21-30 would be ideal, 20-32 would be pushing it a tiny bit. But, like just about everyone else has said, maturity is a key factor. My parents have an 11 year age gap, and it's worked fine for them for over 30 years! They really are an inspiration to me. ;)
As I've said in the past, the divide by two add seven rule is a pretty good rule of thumb. It would be about 24 for me on the young side. That being said I could see myself going as young as 21 if we really clicked. Probably not much older than 45 if I'm looking at older women, not that I run into a ton of single ones into these hobbies. At least a lot older than me! XD
I'm 13 so it is only fitting to be 12-17...
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