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Why so lonely?

Just so you know, if the military says you don't have PTSD, it might not be true. They said the last guy that just shot up Fort Hood didn't have PTSD before he shot the place up... He had been to see a military psychiatrist to see if he did or not, trying to get help for his issues. Anyways, not that you'll go shoot a place up or anything (please don't), but yeah. The military doesn't like to diagnose people with PTSD unless they have to... Either way, just try to put yourself out there. Its not good to be desperately looking for a relationship, but going out and being open to the idea is fine. Like someone else said, your friends are cock blocking you. If you are going to be going out with your friends, ask them to help you out. Most guys don't like to cock block their friends if they can help it. If you let them know that you're looking for something, they might do something so they don't cock block you. On a side note, what branch are you in? My boyfriend is Army ROTC and I start Air Force ROTC in the fall.
Kawa @kawa commented on Why so lonely?
May 04, 14 at 1:31am
I'm in the U.S. Army right now and my MOS is 11 bravo airborne infantry but I've got some medical stuff I'm going through so I could be retiring early.
May 04, 14 at 1:58am
Wrote a long explanation, then deleted it cause the best advice I can give you is this. Get a best girl "Friend". Ask her to be your wingman and help you meet other women. Shit works wonders. Better than Barney from How I Met Your Mother. Bro you're in the military thats an advantage over alot of other guys.
I see, how long have you been in so far?
Kawa @kawa commented on Why so lonely?
May 05, 14 at 2:43am
2 years but for the first year I was doing nothing but training
i am lonely too, when i like somebody they say no or just ignore me. i am bullied because i dont have many friend and no lover. i just dont know what to do. i dont want this anymore!!!. i cant hold on like this...
Don't give up hope tamara! Many people are mean, they bully you to make themselves feel powerful because inside they are weak. But you can be strong and have time to grow and learn to change your life for the better.
May 05, 14 at 9:32pm
@Tamara Stab the bully with a pencil and break it in half leaving a piece inside the bully. Should get him/her to back off momentarily lol Other than that beat ehm over the head with a food tray, over where I'm at they are metal so works wonders. If they are going down some stairs trip them. If they're talking interrupt, if they're in your class rip up their work, if they handed in homework take it from the pile and destroy it. :D Make them your bitch
May 05, 14 at 9:32pm
[Double Post Deleted]
Lol Jean, but that can get you locked up, whether in juvi or jail. Especially stabbing someone.
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