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I'm STILL looking......*shrugs* =__=

Do not call me a retard please its just grammar do not get so serious for a person you do not care for just leave it alone and get out of here
I didn't call you a retard. I said you're speaking like a retard. There is a difference. You can call me a grammar Nazi if you like, but it's honestly not that difficult to put periods after each sentence. Making run on sentences makes you look like you aren't taking this seriously (which you admitted that this wasn't a serious thread anyway.)if you don't take your posts seriously, then nobody will take you seriously and you'll look like a joke. I'm not mad, by the way. Getting mad over this would be childish on my part. Yes, incompetence pisses me off, but I'm not mad. It just shows that the school taxes that I have to give my hard earned money that my education is getting me is being wasted on people who don't give a shit. Bottom line: Grow up, learn English, and stop looking like a fool.
Apr 06, 14 at 8:13pm
I feel like the "Can't we all just get along?" Is sarcastic. But I second that (from a non-sarcastic point) If you guys don't have anything nice to say to each other, don't say anything at all.
I'm not saying anything that isn't nice. I'm attempting to help her! It's a positive.
THEN HELP SOMEBODY ELSE!!!!!!!!CORRECT EVERYONE ELSE ON THEIR SPELLING GO DO IT RIGHT NOW CAUSE IF YOU DONT THEN YOU ALSO DO NOT GIVE A SHIT BOUT YOUR TAXES that I also pay for so go be the hero somewhere else and stop saying I SOUND LIKE A RETARD WHEN you do not KNOW how I sound in the first place!!!!! I picked up on your errors as-well.So stop acting like your better than everyone,you are the perfect example of what I do not want in a man.You hit the top!!!Cause if you get piss at some grammar where you go to the chick profile to see her age,just so you can go back to my topic to have a better excuse to bitch about it then your aren't as grown up as you thought either.Picking on me cause you see me as a fool wellllllll do you see any other guys complaining?!!!It's JUST YOU!!If YOU CORRECT ME TO HELP ME THEN GO CORRECT OTHER PEOPLE CAUSE THEY DIDNT USE PROPER SPELLING EITHER from topics 2009-2014 go look you perfectionist ass go look and read their errors and then go say your being nice and if they get on to you bout it then yeah do you think it was nice?Take my run on sentences and shove them up your English major ass!!!
You wasted over 20 mins of your time in real life and your excuse was to help me?Read your first comment and let me know if it looked not SOUNDED like you wanted to "help" me.
I still can't understand stupid.
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