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For anyone who has ever contemplated suicide

^ +5000 Anyways how do you fail at killing yourself? You slice up guys UP ;D If you just wanted attention then you slice sideways. People like that can't be trusted. Can't have you cover my back in the Marines fck dat shiet. We kill others not ourselves ;3 P.S This is a dating site, why are we talking bout suicide. It wont net you a girl.
"So I should sympathize and pity people who seriously consider killing themselves? Why? If they want to die I'm not going to discourage or encourage them." That was obviously a remark for me I believe? If not, then I apologize. You asked me a question. And I answered it by saying I did not ask you to do anything. You have your opinions on it, and so does everyone else. I'm not saying I'm going to go around and make a pity party for people that think of suicide. I'm saying that it's best to just let it be and not to encourage them to do anything. And if you're kind enough to lend an ear then do so as well. I do recall a guy in a forum saying something about suicide and you said something very nasty to him to the point where your comment had to be removed, Kichi. But hey, I'm probably wrong about that as well. And Keichi is just politely asking for negative comments (not necessarily meaning something bad but any comments to disagree with his point) to not be posted. I guess it's cause his point in the post wasn't to hold a "what do you think of suicide". It was just a reminder to people that you're not alone. Sideways, upside down, crisscross, circles...it doesn't matter which way you cut. It's not the point of trying to reach a vein. It's not healthy either way. And if anyone is suffering through this then I wish them luck and health and hope one day they see that they deserve to live life and experience some beauty through all this planet's disgusting and poisonous ways.
1. Not looking to 'net' a girl. The website stated that this isn't strictly a dating site. 2. It's called serious talk and you can talk about whatever. So I did. 3. I couldn't give 2 fucks about you kichigai913 lol. I really couldn't. Seriously. Waste of my time. You're dismissed. 4. My reasoning for posting this was to supply hope and comfort to someone who might need it. I didnt ask for opinions but i expected them in hopes of fellow supporters. The LAST thing anyone needs is to be called a coward. Not everyone has a good support system or the will power to pick themselves up. Everyone is different in their struggles and I acknowledge that. If my decisions have caused me to be labeled a coward then I wear the name proudly. I've been through some very fucked up things and lived through them and it has made me a better human being for it. I can now help and encourage others and that makes me feel like all that shit happened for the sake of others. Because 1 person was there for me I'm graduating (girlish scream) from the University of Memphis and now applying for graduate school at the University of Tennessee (omg omg omg *screams of happiness* pray that I get in people, help me out lol). I got alot of things going for me. Because of 1 person. 1 person. :)If I can be even half that person for someone else then my job is done :)
Rika - 2 things about that question. 1- it was a rhetorical question. and 2 - even if it was meant to be answered, it didn't suggest that you asked me to do anything, it was me asking you what I should do. you completely messed up and misunderstood my intentions. Also, that guy that I was 'nasty' to (wolfyuchida or something) is a prime example of what I hate about suicide victims. He was joking about committing suicide and that pissed me off. He said that cause he couldn't get a girl and cause he was sooo ugly that he thinks maybe he should just kill himself and forget about it, and then had 'lol' at the end. Who, in their right mind, JOKES about killing themselves because they can't get a significant other? How fucking disrespectful can you be? I would never joke about suicide and I seriously hate people who do. So yeah, how bout remembering the whole story instead of just one part. Ask Kidpool or Black Mage. He ended up editing what he posted so it's no longer there, but what he said was unforgivable and I hope someone breaks his neck in 4 places and throws him into the Hudson River. Fucking bastard is the exact reason why I feel how I feel about suicide 'victims'. Again, you're missing the point. I flat out said that I do not encourage nor discourage anyone when they talk about suicide. I leave them alone. And on a personal note, if they really want to do it, I do not pity them. That's what their friends are for. I'm not going to go out my way to help a stranger not kill themselves. I will help someone who is depressed and is seeking advice, company, whatever. But once you start saying "I'm going to kill myself", any chance of help, any respect I once had for you is gone. There are lines that are not to be crossed, Taking a life, even if it's your own, is one of them.
Jean - You get what I mean. It's kinda sad how some people really think that I'm bashing suicide victims. I'm not. Everyone, especially Rika, takes things to heart. If I say, I'm not a fan of chicken, people go, OMG WHY DO YOU HATE CHICKEN? WHAT DID CHICKEN DO TO YOU? WHY YOU GOTTA HATE ON CHICKEN? YOU'RE SO NEGATIVE. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY JUST SHUT UP! and that's fucking hilarious. People rather have the truth or opinion served on a nice silver platter with rainbows and blue skies and everyone is teletubby happy. Jesus people, I thought we're adults here. It seems like most of you can't have a serious conversations if someone disagrees with your point of view or has the balls to speak their own mind, as different as it may be. Stop assuming shit. YOU, Rika, stop assuming. Keichi, stop whining cause I don't see things the way you do and instead of making a whole new thread about it, I stayed in here. I'm not even trolling and this is the attention I get.
Keichi - You say you don't care, which is fine. but if you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted what you did. But whatever. We both help people in our own ways. We both owe our lives to a certain someone for certain reasons. We both have had our share of drama and issues in life and matured from it. If anything I think everyone, especially in this thread, have gone thru hardships and emerged from it triumphantly. I commend and respect all of you for it. Then there are people in this world that don't. People who succumb to their weakness and don't mature, don't grow, don't learn from it, for whatever the reason. They are weak. Now, there's physically weak people who just can't take a lot of abuse and do what they can to avoid confrontation. I can tolerate them because they at least know their limits and do their best. Then there's weak willed people that don't do anything and wants the world to fix their problems without lifting a finger. Those people I hate and want erased from the world. I simply hate weak willed people. I especially hate weak willed people that scream victim and suicide as if it's their mantra. Now if you want to bash me cause I have zero tolerance for that, cool. But I'm in the minority. I'm of the few that actually don't give 2 shits about those people and and say it aloud. The rest of the world can cuddle with those weak sons of bitches. I'm not.
Lastly, I seriously hope we're not going to elevate to "who's life had more drama/who's life was more harsh/whatever". Not only do I not care, it's pointless.
I was about to make a really racist and unfunny joke about an african american that commited suicide because white society made him feel like trash even though all he ever did in his life is try to be the best possible friend to everyone around him and worked hard day and night. But then I realized that I already made the joke in another dimension which led the multiverse to collapse and made dark matter fuse with the cells of a horse which created the realm of the dark lord c'thulu who wants to destroy the digimon world and then take over the human world and spread evil all over the place Bu then this music plays and everyone starts fighting pow pow noooooo not fei loooong I shall hadouken your face with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt3W_-Qs7yU
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