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That Uke

XD I'm trying my best to reply as fast as possible but life stuff takes me away from actually talking to people XDD Hey, what's your favourite anime if you don't mind me asking?
cabbage @donnierye left a comment for That Uke
Aug 10, 15 at 10:25pm
I'm already confused. I hate films centered around time loops.
cabbage @donnierye left a comment for That Uke
Aug 10, 15 at 10:12pm
That was like 3 years ago wtf
Heh! I'm good, thank you for asking! Been a little busy with stuff though which is why my reply is a bit later than I'd like haha! ^^" But anywho, my name's Jamie - it's nice to meet you.
cabbage @donnierye left a comment for That Uke
Aug 01, 15 at 6:42pm
hi are you cute
Hello! How are you? o/
Janza @janza left a comment for That Uke
Jul 24, 15 at 9:19pm
Thank you, I had a deviant artist do the picture for me.
Jul 20, 15 at 12:32am
Hello there!
Janza @janza left a comment for That Uke
Jul 09, 15 at 7:29pm
So what kind of fighting games are you into?
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
May 17, 15 at 3:36pm
hey there, it's been so long i don't have idea what to do haha but don't worry i haven't forgotten about our thing ;) xD but seriously now, today it's the first day since Sep 26, 2014 that i come to this site. so if you're still in this site i would appreciate if you could msg back, thanks.