metalkez @metalkez
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metalkez @metalkez
Sure :), So you like Hellsing i see, are you watching some other anime at the moment?
I like that name Alucard but its another one hehe, the one i really like is Alucard from Castlevania Symphony of the Night which in my opinion is the best game ever :) you can play with Draculas son Alucard and hes a badass haha Are you into games too?
saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
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saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
I have to much Saiyuki stuff, as a matter fact I'm taking my plushy to get repaired some time this week.
Have u resently got into Saiyuki or has this been a long time obsession?
saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
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saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
Oh really, how much have u read?
To be honest I have never finished the Saiyuki series... I never wanted to end for me.:p goku will be enternal for me.
saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
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saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
Ohhhh Bus gamer! I have seen many illustrations of toki, kazouo and nobuto. I've never read/ watched it tho.
The only other one I've read is wild adapter.
rockthedragon @rockthedragon
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rockthedragon @rockthedragon
How are you, I saw you wanted to chat. I would love to chat.
saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
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saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
Kazuya Minekura is the best artist in the world!(at least I think so)
My art work is similar to hers.
Once u remember the name of those episodes let me know.
saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
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saiyukigirl @saiyukigirl
Salty dog along with beckgammon are all of Kazuya Minekura's illustrations.( most of the illustrations the public has never seen!)
Botan007 @botan007
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Botan007 @botan007
I stay up late all the time, so bad for you but can't help it! :)
Kawa @kawa
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Kawa @kawa
Yes it's very cold out and that's why i'm in side watching anime. My real name is River but in Japanese it's Kawa so I just put that instead of River.
Botan007 @botan007
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Botan007 @botan007
Hello! How are you! Hello Team Alucard Fan!
Jul 22
Sep 20-22
Apr 18-19
Apr 23-24