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30 year old Female
Last online almost 2 years ago
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 10:05pm
oh my a woman after my own heart~ haha, well my favorite thing to do (dont laugh!) is to stay up all night and just talk about everything and anything with someone...you know those kinda talks, the ones that go from pitch black to sunrise and you're still talking about what seems like nothing and everything at the same time. its the best feeling in the world to me...oh and about helping people, i'm an altruist so i definitely know how that goes ^^ i love to help everyone i can as well!
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:42pm
if i might change the subject deary~ what is your favorite thing in the whole wide world to do? i'll tell you mine after you tell yours OuO
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:40pm
oh i see, well thats nice of you to do that for both of them ^_^ gotta say my respect for you just shot up way high!
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:22pm
also, just sayin that rule#63 izaya is just the sexiest thing in the world O///O
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:20pm
haha see the bad part is that my boss ignores the extra hour. so i dont make more XD but thats cool you'll get a job monday, what kind is it? oh and also i assume you probably still live with your folks then?
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:14pm
see i have a night job, so that just means i work another hour, so forgive the lack of enthusiasm XD
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 9:01pm
what did i do? well let me think, i woke up and talked with a friend. then after that i went to walmart and shopped for food (i had almost none in the house) and i came home to write for nanowrimo ^_^ so all in all a decent day, albeit a slow one it was still nice
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 8:38pm
hi hi again ^_^ i gotta say i LOVE the profile pic (pssst i have a mancrush on izaya but dont tell too many people >.>) oh and i forgot this morning to mention how AWESOME your anime selection is! and i am only a sliiiiight bit saddened by one thing. you dont have Beck on your list of watched anime XD so how's the daily grind? do anything interesting today?
nonsmoking @nonsmoking left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 03, 12 at 5:28am
just passed by your profile and it said we had interests that matched (though really on this site thats not a surprise eh?) so i thought i'd stop by and say hello! hope we can at least be friends if nothing else, and i'd certainly love to get better acquainted ^_^
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra left a comment for Syiyumi
Nov 02, 12 at 11:35pm
I think you need a NEW group of friends Syi.