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33 year old Female
Last online about 7 years ago
No not really since I've just recently come back to this site because I joined it when I saw this on ANN and it was pretty much dead then lol. But I came back since it seems a lot more lively now. hbu have you yet
thats good that you didn't get stung. and yeah hopefully it learned to stay out lol. Yeah I know I'd be cautious if I saw a scorpion in my bathroom lol
Yeah it's been getting pretty hot here as well. Haha yeah that had to suck, it didn't sting you or anything did it, I bet lol
Haha yeah tell me about it lol. And I live kinda in the middle of cali like a couple hours from the bay area
Haha yeah at first I kinda did cus it just kept shutting off but I've been without it for like two months now so I'm pretty much over it now lol but I'm hoping I get a new battery this week since the one they gave me wasn't even close to the right one for my phone lol
Hey you seem very cool and If you'd like maybe would you like to chat sometime to get to know each other
Mar 16, 11 at 1:16pm
Hi how are you doing?
Jefe @jefe left a comment for Wonderlust
Mar 04, 11 at 7:59pm
Hey.. its cool that you stand up for GSA club.. I don't agree, with it but am open minded and would like to see your view on that.. Like you I just want to meet new people
Makoto @night left a comment for Wonderlust
Jan 20, 11 at 10:34am
welcome to the site.