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foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
lots of fake or abandon accounts here nobody to talk to i feel you

calchan92 @calchan92
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calchan92 @calchan92
more fake profiles i see

calchan92 @calchan92 Yeah it’s sad

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
1. Kaiju or humanoid Titans? kaiju movies titans for anime i guess
2. Vocal or Instrumental christmas/holiday music? i dont listen to music
3. Zombies or vampires? most vampire movies suck (no pun intended) so zombies
4. Explore a cave or the deep ocean? cave cuz you get stuck in a ocean you are f'd
5. Do you call them crisps or chips? crisp is a british thing chips tho some are not even crisp
20 Questions

yuuzora @yuuzora
commented on
20 Questions
yuuzora @yuuzora
More questions:
1. Kaiju or humanoid Titans?
2. Vocal or Instrumental christmas/holiday music?
3. Zombies or vampires?
4. Explore a cave or the deep ocean?
5. Do you call them crisps or chips?

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
that should have said manga*

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
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foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
your into most of the same stuff i am very cool , do yo keep your mana rent or barrow ?
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
@projectotakux commen sense should tell you MEN pretending to be girls,sometimes adult women. idc what you are in your home or "how u feel" on the inside contrary to the crap in the media there are only 2 sex's im only interested in 1 so i wish the other would leave me alone in the pm's no matter how hard u may wish, u cannot change biology it might get me banned but idc. facts are facts and remember you ask.
i have 0 issues with gays trans or w/e if they got respect and get no means no not "im whatever phobic"
also if i ask if your F or M im not talking about how u "Feel" on the inside just what parts u were made with originally. i got a right to like what i like i dont feel like having crap forced on me.
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?

foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
foxfire1337 @foxfire1337
nobody ever gets takes the time to get to know me, they just look at me and run off another direction or because im always very nice i get told "im to good to be true" or"you must want something" arrgh so annoying i also tend to get along with girls younger than me who dont like older ppl so thats rough ppl my age or near it suck. 0 fun 0 open mindedness dont like cartoons or games or anime for most parts its why i came here.
but even here actual girls are afk or gone boys acting as girls are still guys and ppl under 18 i dont wanna go to jail stop sending weird msgs thats my experiences