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Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for yaasshat
Sep 10, 18 at 6:05pm
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat Kind of out of the blue.
Thanks for the Add Yaasshat, I appreciate you
yaasshat @yaasshat I've seen you around, even before your long departure from this site. You seem interesting, in that hippy, namaste, yoga sort of way and it's kind of refreshing in a way.
Heh. Looks like my account works
yaasshat @yaasshat Mine does not, I'm banned-ish...But, fret not, for I have another account. I can post all of once a day with this account, my other is ohnoes.
yaasshat @yaasshat Oh shit! It seems this account is no longer banned, six months later. Maybe...
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913 Right? Mine is finally "debugged" or whatever. If I hadn't went thru my cookies and saw I still had this account I wouldn't be none the wiser. Think we should run shit again or leave it to the kiddies now?
yaasshat @yaasshat Nothing to really run, but I'll get back with you on that...Boss man says I gotta get back to work.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913 Well, I'm just glad you're Back. I miss the old crew. Gonna start bugging the hell outta black mage in a minute
Vega @vegasega left a comment for yaasshat
Jul 15, 18 at 11:49pm
yoo. just popping in to say sup
Mar 14, 18 at 12:10pm
Can't say shit? Buh bye. :)
Feb 06, 18 at 8:58pm
^,^ it's nice to see you're still here. Do you still troll?
yaasshat @yaasshat Did I used to?
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001 I thought so at the time but looking back maybe you were just being brutally honest.
yaasshat @yaasshat Can't say I wasn't ever a smart ass, but I'd much rather be honest than candy coat. I've kind of calmed down on even caring enough to be like that, here . Got real things to put my mental energy towards, now.
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for yaasshat
Jan 20, 18 at 4:52pm
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat You see NOTHING!
yaasshat @yaasshat But, yes, I'm doing fairly well. How've you been?
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for yaasshat
Oct 25, 17 at 6:43pm
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat Not sure, but it seems to have competition up in the corner.
Daggera @daggera Oh yes, Muppet Sacrifice.
BurningHalo @burninghalo left a comment for yaasshat
Aug 29, 17 at 9:11pm
"Well, you could cut out the chicken and get a red bull. Red bull gives you wings!!!" ... wings... https://truffle-assets.imgix.net/c868f45b-rc309-megan-spicychickenwings-dishland2.jpg You are too good. This place doesn't deserve you XD
BurningHalo @burninghalo Just wanted you to know that someone out there appreciates your humor
yaasshat @yaasshat I appreciate my own humor. I'm practicing to achieve the Zen ness that is, dad humor. XD
BurningHalo @burninghalo I'll consider you a kindred spirit
Aug 20, 17 at 11:40pm
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat I have no clue why, but you just gave me some major deja vu... Anyways. Ummm... I'm piss poor when it comes to political discussions (Should really change that, I know.), I just know what my core values are and stand by them. I'm not quite sure how this is getting to political discussion (Aside from moral alignment, if that makes any sense.), but I do understand what you're getting at. Atleast it seems to be positive changes for you.
Yang_Xiao_Long @tamamo_cat Deja vu should be about right considering you should know me pretty well. It's reaper.
yaasshat @yaasshat I know who you are, but I can't explain the deja vu, it's just a feeling. The way the mind works is funny sometimes.