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Last online almost 3 years ago
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Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 26, 15 at 11:31am
Aww yay I feel so honoured =D ooh being a handyman huh? That's nice of you ^.^ don't you worry I shall wait for you ;D Yeah it's the symbol but it's got a Raven flying through it, I do have a pic but it's on my Instagram. Oh no wish I had met them so I can check out the stuff you do D= Yay! The question is though... Are you going to cosplay? =o Ah yeah it was rather amusing today as me and my fellow coworker were being mean to another coworker for laughs =L How's your Saturday? Having fun with beds are we? ;)
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 26, 15 at 4:55am
Aww XP *gasp* can you?? I'd feel well chuffed seeing your amazing skills =D aww you should of gone! I was in a pikachu hoodie and someone dressed as misty threw a pokeball at me, thankfully she missed. I didn't want to be captured XD Ah yeah I had a blast and got a fake assassins creed tattoo there =D um I'm not sure if I met them =/ yeah I played it but I have it at home anyway. Ooooooh you gonna come to next year's one in may?
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 25, 15 at 1:43pm
I missed you D= but I hope that the picture you drew is amazing. Ah yeah well I wasn't eating particularly healthy food yesterday as I was at egx (eurogamer) and was eating junk food all day XD oh god I don't think I was drinking well either o.o my bad... Nah we had the software but we never used it. Well apart from reading manga and watching anime and drawing, I like to play on my wii u but I'm now thinking about getting a ps4 because I played on the new assassins creed game and the graphics were just <3 so I want a ps4 just for that XD uh I like going to conventions? Next up is next years mcm (comic con) in May London =P So what do you like to do? ^.^
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 22, 15 at 2:59pm
Oh you lucky cat. Omg yeah I love it when you then see them chasing after the umbrella! It always leaves me giggling at them ^.^ Sounds like a good weekend, I'm glad to hear you're eating and drinking well XD I'm gonna say maybe? I dunno tbh I've never used after effects =\
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 20, 15 at 12:08pm
Oh yes getting up for work is my life so I know the feeling XD I do find it amusing though when people are using an umbrella and it blows inside out =') My weekend went shwimmingly, had work, ate some cake and found out one of the recently turned 17 year old males has a crush on me thanks to my boss telling me -.- how was your weekend? Ah yeah nuke is used for video editing so you can change certain colours of a video or try to create live action videos of you and a 3d character.. I shall have to show you sometime, it's rather fun to use but it looks very confusing.. So yeah that's compositing there =P
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 17, 15 at 2:40pm
Ooh how was uni? Thunder and lightning is rather exciting, I'm one of those people who finds it amusing when people are outside in it. Ah yes it was sunny and hot today but now it's raining =/ Yeah but surely since you used to do lots of hand drawn art your digital skills should be level 99 =D Awh unlucky mate, enjoy the stress and pressure of it though! >:) well my course at college only went on for 2 years so I could top it up at a uni or I could go apply for different courses similar to it such as gaming. However I didn't really fancy getting into more debt and dealing with more education so I'm just pretty much trying to find certain companies that use the software I've learnt. Oh yes I have heard of blender before but I've never used it. The only software I've used is Maya, mudbox, zbrush, nuke, motion builder and something else for when you use the green screen and get someone to dance in a suit =) Man your software sounds like the easy and lazy way of animating tbh... Kinda makes me jealous XD. Don't spose you wanna switch softwares? All you'd have to do is create a character, draw a turnaround sheet for it, create a 3D model of it, uv map it, texture it, rig it, skin it and then you get to create controls for it before you can animate YAY!
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 16, 15 at 6:34pm
Ah yeah it was good minus the rain soaking me today thank you XD How was your day? Hope you didn't get soaked like I did =P I have seen some people use Copic markers and their work looks amazing so I thought about buying them but I saw the price and instantly thought.. 'Ain't nobody got time for that' so I started collecting letraset promarkers instead :) the brush softness and tip sizes aren't as nice as copics but whatcha gonna do? =P Oh god it feels so nice knowing I don't have any projects or deadlines to worry about now that education is over but I may do the third year if I'm bored. Yeah I originally wanted to learn animation because my childhood dream job was to be a cartoonist and work on these cartoons like spongebob, Pokemon etc all the cartoons you'd find on Nickelodeon and cartoonnetwork back in the good ol days. I now realise though that 3D animation is where the business is at, I do agree though some hand drawn animations look amazing but the effort and time to create them is unreal for example the snowman that always gets played at Christmas is hand drawn and they've shown you that it literally takes well over a year for it to be created o.o I just checked out this spine2D and it looks really weird! I mean it looks a bit like adobe flash but it uses joints and skeletons like I have to create in Maya, although I bet you don't have the hassle of trying to skin a rig to your character if you know what I mean?
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 16, 15 at 2:19pm
My favourite style? Hmm that's tough but I do like this style that Instagram user itsbirdy has, you could probably google him and see all of his work :) yeah I got a tablet like 5 years ago but it's not one of those mainstream Wacom tablets, mines an aiptek it's cool cos it's A3 size and has all these buttons and dials on it =D. Ah yeah I love shading characters as it really brings a drawing to life, I'm not too shabby with digital colouring but lately I've got these letraset promarkers so I use them to ink all of my hand drawn work and they blend rather nicely :) I'm glad then, I thought I was the only one who sucks at environments. I've only ever met one person and she can draw forests and trees etc really well =o Ah yes I took a uni course at a college so it's cheaper but it only went on for two years instead of three but it's nice not being in education now ^.^ yeah animation is rather interesting as you learn how much goes into a single action but I only learnt 3D animation so things like monsters inc and finding nemo etc. I wouldn't mind learning 2D but maybe in the future I'll learn that. For your course what software do you use to create characters? I used auto desk Maya but I feel like you may use 3DS Max. I bet though you've learnt a ton about games and how they're made. Sorry I would of replied earlier but literally all of today when I tried to log on the website wouldn't work for me =/
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 15, 15 at 2:39pm
Ah I know the feeling, I love to see other artist's drawing styles. I prefer to use the traditional style of drawing since my digital skills suck =L I do have a bad habit of drawing myself as an anime character but I also love drawing other people in the style as well :) I can't draw environments to save my life unfortunately =/ however I do draw cartoony characters rather well =D
Immy @immy left a comment for Danny
Sep 14, 15 at 4:53pm
Hi there! I love to draw as well, do you draw your own characters or anime/game characters? :)
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