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Keqings king

36 year old Male
about 1 hour ago
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Keqings king
Feb 15, 25 at 1:12pm
https://a.storyblok.com/f/178900/750x422/ebdb1e0a66/good-night-world-thumbnail.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0b/0e/97/0b0e97fdd2ec94fd05fc9311c6e9d831.jpg This was the other show I was mentioning. It takes concepts from the .Hack series and blends it with Evangelion. Problem being that as soon as it picks up speed it's already over. I read that the books pace out the narrative far better and goes into more elaborate details regarding the various family members' connections and hang-ups.
Keqings king @vegas1988 Fair enough I actually saw that earlier and almost clicked on it to watch lol
Gabriel @gabriel_true I liked what they were able to show within the dozen episodes it was given. It simply needs at least 20 episodes to better convey the backstory of certain pivotal characters and events. That way the ending could become fully impactful rather than something that ends as soon as it begins, ya know!
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Keqings king
Feb 14, 25 at 11:57pm
I didn't see it on your list, but if you get an opportunity to view Chilling in my 30's After Getting Fired From the Demon King's Army, I highly recommend that you watch! For starters the main character actually manages to not only court, but marry the main girl halfway through the first season before having a child of his own. The main character also uses more logic than powers to resolve his dilemmas. He is more a thinker than a fighter which to me was refreshing for this type of genre. Would love to learn of your opinion of this series if you're ever inclined!
Keqings king @vegas1988 Yeah it's one I plan to watch I likely forgot to put it on my want to watch list I typically wait to watch shows till they get dubbed
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Keqings king
Feb 14, 25 at 11:40pm
I will say I laughed to see someone else suffered through watching And You Thought There Is Never A Girl Online. I in fact own the complete series on DVD because there was a point in my life where I would buy random anime I found in the bargin bin at my local movie store. This was one of those purchases. That said I would have ranked it more around a 2 myself given the plot doesn't do much with the cast. The various references to other MMOs was mildly funny. I do remember certain characters being somewhat fun to watch like the teacher being a secret MMO junkie. Kinda made me think of the teacher from Persona 3's Hermit social link, haha!
Keqings king @vegas1988 I enjoyed the laughs and the mc suffering and I won't rank and anime below 3 unless I hate or didn't enjoy the anime see rokka brave of the six flowers such a bad anime in my opinion
Gabriel @gabriel_true What was the worst part about Rokka Brave? Never watched it, but in terms of bad shows to avoid never watch an anime movie called Harmony. The writing is very surface level to the point they play up casual arm chair philosophy to an absurd degree. It attempts to be nihilistic like Elfen Lied, however the statements the antagonist make are absurd to the point it wraps back around to being unintentionally humors. Lot of CGI blood and gore too which make it goofier.
Keqings king @vegas1988 ok if rokka was just episodes 1-2 and episode 12 it would be a good show but they drag out the "plot" for like 9 episodes just to say hey guess what that whole thing we spent like 9 episodes hashing out yep it was for nothing lol
Gabriel @gabriel_true Many series are like that where they have a genuinely great concept, however they execute it poorly. Then you have the inverse where a series needs more episodes to explore the various concepts they introduce such as with Good Night World.
Keqings king @vegas1988 yeah basically the premise of the show is there are 6 people who awaken the split power of an ancient warrior to find the revival of the demon army and they get to this fortress and realize there are somehow 7 people with the mark so one is an impostor so they spend from like episode 3-11 fighting and everything to figure out whos the imposter just to find them and then the last episode they leave the fortress to continue only to find out surprise there is another person with the mark so they gotta find another imposter lol i litterly went wtf
Gabriel @gabriel_true As M Night Shyamalan would say, "What a twist!"
Keqings king @vegas1988 yeah like i said if the show was half the amount of episodes it wouldnt be so bad lol
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Keqings king
Feb 14, 25 at 11:28pm
I gotta ask the reasoning. I see you ranked In Another World With My Smartphone higher than Overlord. I was disappointed personally on the cellphone's usage during the narrative. I had desired its purpose to have a creative use seeing as it was a modern device in a pre-technological world. Instead the phone was enchanted to be a glorified magic wand that didn't do anything an actual smartphone would do thus removing the intrigue and creative scenarios one would figure such a device on its own would bring. Funny enough Re:Zero did more with a cellphone within the first season having Subaru using its actual functions to not only negotiate for information, but even distract an opponent in battle at one point. Outside of that when focusing on characters themselves the rest of the entourage that follows the main protagonist lack any individual presence outside of being pretty. I truly feel whatever Overlord lacks it makes up for in its strength of intrigue and mystery. It has creative twists that shift the view of interest between a wide cast of characters. Ainz, Albedo, Shalltear, Demiurge, Aura, Mare, Entoma, and Cocytus are all stand out individuals within the greater story with lore in abundance outside of their main roles. One doesn't see all the variables of their individual driving motivations right away. Something the entire cast including the main protagonist of Smartphone severely lack.
Keqings king @vegas1988 I highly enjoy smartphone and odds are the overlord rating was from when I started overlord and then didn't finish it originally and I forgot to update the rating
Gabriel @gabriel_true Hehe, that so?
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Keqings king
Feb 14, 25 at 5:56pm
You mentioned enjoying Call of the Night. One of my friends at work is a fan of the series in a big way. I myself have read partway through the manga, but never finished. Are there any other series like Call Night that you can recommend?
Keqings king @vegas1988 what kind of anime do you enjoy an di can give some recommendations
Gabriel @gabriel_true I have followed series like Blood Lad, Duke of Death and His Maid, Mashle: Magic and Muscles, Re:Zero, Dan Da Dan, FLCL, and Death Parade.
Keqings king @vegas1988 give me a sec to update my anime list and i will share it and you can see what all i have enjoyed and pick some out
Yay my least favorite day of the year cause it's another reminder of how alone and unwanted and unloved I am
Gabriel @gabriel_true But you always have us!
yeah looks straight out of an isekai fantasy anime
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so XD. It's very pleasing to look at.
i hate that almost everyone i meet on here and chat with after a few days stops getting on ever again it makes it to where part of me wants to just delete this account and go away as well
Bored I wish I had more people to chat with and not just random people sending me crazy messages