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Last online about 1 month ago
Can you lick it? Science edition! https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fm5rfj7107kkz.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd304385ccd091434e72c875379dd44b2e078349a
Glad you liking Re: Monster man there is a mobile game it's really fun. I liked the game more than the manga because the game was ahead of it. It's a Gacha.
In case you weren't able to see it yourself there are pictures from the start and end and one through a filter and one without. Enjoy <3
The "somehow" of this makes me wish I had introduced myself like this:
Apr 04, 24 at 10:59am
An unfriendly reminder that unless you've introduced yourself to me somehow, I will not accept friend requests. Thanks.
Criselington @criselington Jokes on you, you and I are already friends on here.
yuuzora @yuuzora We did talk before I added you, too. So any form of interaction is fine. The bar is pretty low. Even just liking a comment or picture is fine by me though I prefer people read my profile first so they know what they're getting into. Which is trouble. >)
I love this comic so much! I'll never stop sharing it.
New art thread idea to be fleshed out later (this is my reminder) Art Share and Battle: Forum Fighters. Artists create a character as an avatar to battle for ownership of forum threads. I like the idea of 1 v1 4 panel comic collaborations where a winner is decided by non-combatants or a neutral 3rd party but beyond that certain things need to be fleshed out. Character stats and abilities to keep the battles fair or anything goes? Rewards? Like stat increases or a small token to be added to character profiles signifying threads owned? If you're seeing this lmk what you think of the idea. I was inspired by War for Rayuba.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hm. What about an animation battle? Though I'm awful at animation........
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Animation is too limiting for a play battle. There'd be issues with traditional artists being able to upload, the amount of time a single battle would take, the amount of artists with animation skills might be too few, animation vs drawing/painting might be unfair. Though it would look amazing (insert heart eyes emoji here) I swear Krita loves to mess up on me at the end of every animation I try with it.
yuuzora @yuuzora Uwa. My brain will need some time to let things sink in. It's a lot. Especially since I'm such a slow creator. x.x Who else is interested?
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Well if you are interested then as far as I know that makes just you so far lol
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie I think I've figured out the simplest way to do this. 1 v 1 art battles. Each artist will create a character on a character sheet of their design with a short description of what their character can do and why they're trying to win forum zones. Since the only limits will be no kaiju (giant monsters) or mechs (stay roughly human sized) it's possible there may be established characters used by many people. In this event each character will be considered from a different universe. A forum thread will be selected and announced and a tournament will begin. Battles will consist of 4 pages. The introduction / showboating. The first move. The counter move. Finishers. In the introduction artists will draw their character entering the arena or showing off in the arena which should look like a physical representation of the forum's name. It's kind of like a fighting video game where the fighters show up, taunt each other and get ready for the fight. From here judges will decide which character is going to make the first move which is only important for the judging. Each artist will draw their character's first move as if they are making the first move. It can be anything from taunting more, to defending against a possible attack, a cool move, running away, summoning a partner...Etc.. I'd like to be clear that neither artist should know what the other artist is drawing, and should be drawing their character's actions based how they think the other would react from what they saw in the profiles and all 4 pages should be submitted at the same time. So this will continue to the next page where artists draw what they think their second move should be and then what their finishing move would look like. Judges (3) will look at each artists 4 panels without the context of battle and determine which is more cohesive or which they like the most. Then Judges (3) will look at the battle and determine who they think will win (The person who lands the first hit is the person who the judges figured out was going first) . They will then determine which arena best suited the forum name. 3 judges and 3 judging categories means a perfect score of 9, though the winner is the person with the highest score. Winner will add to their character profile a representation of the forum they now rule over (can rule over many). So I'm not sure how long artists should have to complete 4 panels, or how often tournaments should happen. I was thinking that between tournaments, individuals could challenge each other for dominion over favorable forum thread arenas. Then there is animation...was I too critical before? I have no idea so I guess the first order of business, should this ever get made, is to hold a vote on whether animation is allowed or if it's unfair.
Yuka @yukachan left a comment for TwoShy
Mar 15, 24 at 1:25am
Based meme.
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie I somehow fell asleep before 3am and had a nightmare so terrifying I legit had to check my apartment to make sure it didn't follow me into reality. It was then that I realized I had gotten something for nothing and had to give a shiny meme in return. I'm glad you approve. Only part of this randomness is factual.