strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
Unfortunately it could easily be both u_u

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
I cant tell if this is a homeless situation or people are just crazy.

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
Someone peed in the fitting room today, so that was fun lol.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Oh nahhh Im throwin hands if I had to deal with that or the ole "Thats not my job"

jacoblow @jacoblow i know how hard it is to deal with a mess like that

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
Nice!! If you ever need any advice, feel free to dm me! :)

Lillian is in halo @alstoffowaifu
Lillian is in halo @alstoffowaifu
I’m trying to get into the gothic Lolita currently

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
Even though I'm moving more into gothic and old school, I still have so many AP dream dresses ;w; OTT sweet will always have a special place in my heart!

Lillian is in halo @alstoffowaifu
Lillian is in halo @alstoffowaifu
Don’t get me started on angelic pretty. *Wink*

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
So far my experience hasn't been too crazy! Weirdest so far would be that someone used one of the folded shirt tables in my department as a changing table for their baby, and they left the dirty diaper on it for me to pick up :')

endscene918 @endscene918
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endscene918 @endscene918
Hey there! Do you have any crazy or bizarre stories about retail?

jacoblow @jacoblow hey she might not want to tell

jacoblow @jacoblow oh yeah that's real bad, much be messy

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
I hope you had a good Valentine's day and week as well!

jacoblow @jacoblow
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jacoblow @jacoblow
happy valentines day

strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
strawberrysunday @strawberrysunday
I'd be down for it! I ain't the best, but I can try! >:)

TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
Hello, care to battle trainer?

endscene918 @endscene918
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endscene918 @endscene918
Hey there! Do you have any crazy or bizarre stories about retail?

jacoblow @jacoblow hey she might not want to tell

jacoblow @jacoblow
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jacoblow @jacoblow
happy valentines day

TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
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TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
Hello, care to battle trainer?