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38 year old Male
Last online 11 months ago
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 18, 13 at 12:08am
Yeah.. And that's probably my problem. e____e I at least control myself better now. :3 Oh really? I never really got into rap--mostly because I used to just watch anime all the time and never heard rap. That's good that you're good with rhyming. Ahah--Google is everyone's savoir when it comes to spelling. Have you had problems with your lungs for a long time, or is it just recent? LOL--I had that phase too. Although now it's back to j-pop and k-pop. :3 Oh really? I should try it out then. Ever watched Natsume Yuujinchou? *_* For me, I always the one doing somethings, but there have been a few times when I'm the spectator. I really really like flying in my dreams. @_@ That's a good thing that you have self-confidence in yourself. And yep! Birds of a feather flock together and all that stuff. Ahh, that might be it too. Although there is always someone you might get along with in your town. Yeah--it does take a lot to tell someone you like them. It's better to live with no regrets and just yolo it though, in my opinion. c: And exclusive? @__@ Oh! Anime conventions is probably a good place. Specially when you're in line and the cute person in front of you can't go away... Muahaha~ I don't think it's really shallow. For a relationship to happen, or start, there has to be some physical and psychological attraction--in my opinion. Yeah-Otakus are great. :3 Long distance.. I actually wouldn't have wanted one, but if it happens it happens, you know? D: It takes a lot of work. e__e I wish I could knit actually. D: I get cold pretty easily, and where I live the fall and winter seasons are super cold. I also like Christmas a whole lot.. SOO! I could knit myself ugly Christmas sweaters..if I could knit. XD Although there's just a lot of stuff during the school year--thanks. I'll do my best to make it. Sure! That would be nice. c:
Aug 17, 13 at 11:30pm
oh wow haha thanks :)
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 9:23pm
*Part two* (I wrote too much and it wouldn't all send in one go. D:) Go out more and do stuff? I mean it is true that no one is just going to come to you, but think about what kind of person you'd want. Like, if you want someone who's intellectual and is studious--go to the library! XD I know it's a little stereotypical, but you might just be looking in the wrong places. Like if you don't want a flirt and someone who parties a lot--it wouldn't be a good idea to go to those night clubs, you know? Some people take longer, but not everyone is going to have a high-school sweetheart too. D: As for the spending money to go visit someone else.. Well, it does happen. If both people are willing it can happen. My boyfriend lives all the way in the west coast and I live all the way in the extreme east coast.. D: I'm actually starting to look for a job right now though despite getting down because of the distance. I usually would never wanted to work during high-school since my time is already going to be a little tight with family, sports, and the loads of school work (taking too many hard classes. -___- ), but I'm planning to meet my boyfriend at least by next year. Now, I don't know if we're going to last that long, but I do like him a lot and I think he feels the same too.. I think. XD .. T__T jkjk--we've talked about it though. Just.. Yeah. If both people want it to happen it can happen.
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 9:22pm
Hmm, well, jealousy isn't always a bad thing. I mean, we have it so it'll help us stop our partner from wandering and doing things they shouldn't. It does give you some sense of being aware that your partner might run off with someone else. Although yeah, if it gets out of hand it's bad. :c Everything in moderation right? :3 Oohh, cool. I can rhyme for my life. There was once this project as school where there was several assignments, and each had some points, and you were supposed to get a total of 16 points.. Well, I skipped over all the ones where you had to make a rhyme or lyrics to something. I suck so bad. x__x That would be cool if you did get to make a mix tape. What kind of music are you into? Ahh.. Lungs are important. Breathing exercises? XD We did those in swim and it did help me hold my breath longer considerably. :3 I've never watched Berserk. I'll look it up later. *___* Ahaha, same with my dreams. XD I have some anime mixed into my dreams from time to time. The cool thing is that sometimes I get to fly in my dreams though. I've tried being able to control my dreams (I know.. I'm weird.. Although I actually did a full-blown research on how to.. XD )and then I got lazy and didn't continue with all the things you're supposed to do before you fall asleep. x_x Hmm..
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 7:49pm
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 7:49pm
...... XD RIGHT? Well, I don't feel that that often anymore, but there are certain times. e__e;; I know how that feels, and being the easily jealous person I am.. -___- Well, I'm sure you can deal with it much better than I can. I'm sure you'll end up with someone good. :3 What is it about them? Oh? You write lyrics? Are you into music a lot? I came home from a friend's birthday party and fell asleep right after, so I'm feeling good to. Although I had this really bad dream. T_T Is Burst Angel good? ..XD Really? I am? XD Why thank you. I try to be pleasant to everyone as much as possible. :3 Hopefully! XD Screw that saying--I just don't want o write it! XD
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 2:22am
I've never been a morning person. I think that was the reason I loathed school. Even as a child. And it's so hard wanting to go to college to 'better my life' because it's a choice not a rule. Anyhoo, yeah, don't worry about being liked. You do your thing and get your paycheck. Well, the store closes at 9 but the time when we get to go home depends on how mess the customers cause and how long is takes us to clean it up. So everyday varies so that's not really a good thing since not everybody pulls their weight. :/ You're older than me by 2 years. Which is a first. Everyone I meet is usually younger than me. And yeah, born and raised in Texas. I live way south of Texas. Almost close to Mexico.It's not bad, the heat sucks though but I'm use to it.
Haruu @haruu left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 17, 13 at 12:32am
Yeah, that tends to happen here were there's other people looking for the same person and it makes you a little paranoid and depressed if she likes the other guy more. T_T That's great--love isn't always easy. Thank you! I hope so. A little depressing that I still need to hear back from my counselor to see if I have to write this long research paper or not.. e__e How have you been?
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 16, 13 at 8:17pm
Mm pizza, morning shifts, ew. Hate those with a passion. Why aren't you a favorite? Too demanding? What shirt? Lol. I have quite a few. I'm online when I can. I usually have night shifts, so once I'm out of work I'm at home by 11. But I get home, eat and I pass the eff out. When I'm not working, I'm sleeping. That seems to be my way of life. And what is your age? I live way down south of Texas. Pretty much as far away from the midwest as you can get. Lol. I've seen Serial Experiments Lain. Well, only the first episode. I tend to do that a lot.
Dee @amethyst left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Aug 16, 13 at 3:10am
I am back. Lol. Once again. It was tax free this weekend, so you can only imagine how that went. The check's great, but oh God, the things I have to put up with. People act as if they 'need' a certain shirt. Psh! So, how's it been on your side?