simcachan21 @simcachan21
simcachan21 @simcachan21

Reorganized my figures , shelves and books :3 whatcha think

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Ballin

calchan92 @calchan92 an amazing collection!

Keqings king @vegas1988 I'm jealous of all your anime and game stuff I need to get me some stuff one day as well

calchan92 @calchan92
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calchan92 @calchan92
Welcome back!

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
This account is back now

simcachan21 @simcachan21
simcachan21 @simcachan21
It’s my all time favorite

Van2587 @van2587
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Van2587 @van2587
Air Gear… haven’t watched or read that in a good min :)

Aka-san @redhawk Anyone see what happened?

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 No idea tbh I thought you and sep the only person who can ban them @redhawk

Aka-san @redhawk there are other mods and I think some automated system in place, wasn't me thats for sure

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Hm I gotcha. I know she's made a few different accounts so maybe theirs history behind it?

calchan92 @calchan92 I was chatting with her when her account was banned. Everything seemed normal when chatting with her

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Strange

Van2587 @van2587
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Van2587 @van2587
Air Gear… haven’t watched or read that in a good min :)

J @jakee
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J @jakee
Welcome back enjoy your stay

calchan92 @calchan92
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calchan92 @calchan92
Hello and welcome as well :3

daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
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daggerfella93 @daggerfella93
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it here

tylers @tylers
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tylers @tylers
Welcome to the site!!!!

simcachan21 @simcachan21
simcachan21 @simcachan21
Thank youuu :3

Doomey5 @doomey5
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Doomey5 @doomey5
Welcome to MO